Rabbi Asher Zelig Rubenstein zt’l: A Life of Greatness and Emunah

rav-asher.fw_I write these words with tears rolling down my cheeks having just heard the shocking news of my Rebbe’s sudden petirah. I think about my dear Rebbe whom I was zocheh to learn from for the past 13 years. I knew him as a rebbe, a father figure and a close advisor who always shared his wisdom and guidance based on Torah true values. His faith was rock solid and his passion for truth was contagious. The Yeshiva he built was a family and he and his Rebbetzin ybl”t were the loving parents who cared for our every need. He was Rosh Yeshiva of Toras Simcha in Yerushalayim and was proud of his thousands of Talmidim who lived in Eretz Yisrael, America, England and across the globe. He was a unique blend of Talmid Chocham, leader, baal mussar, mivakesh emes, worldly and a true baal eitza. Every fiber of his body was committed and in line with ratzon Hashem.

One of the first things that comes to mind is how he truly enjoyed life. He spent his time singing the praises of Hashem and giving thanks. He was a powerful educator who lived by example. His words were filled with warmth, care, understanding and a passion for truth.  If something had to be said he was unashamed to speak up. Although he once told me that by nature he was shy, his speeches were eloquent and powerful, and reverberated in the hearts of those present for a lifetime. The fact that he overcame his natural shyness was because he knew that emes had to be shared with power and eloquence. It is hard to believe that such a vibrant, powerful and outspoken advocate for truth had a shy bone in his body. We saw him as booming, authoritative and a man of great dignity and respect who carried the Torah and his talmidim on his large shoulders.

Indeed, the first conversation I ever had with him was to ask about coming to his yeshiva. I called him from America after being deeply moved by a tape I had heard from him. He asked me why I wanted to attend his yeshiva. I mentioned my interest in going to Eretz Yisrael. He explained, “I’m looking for students who want to grow in Torah and yiras shamayim. If someone is coming to Eretz Yisrael to waste their time and their parent’s money then my yeshiva is not for them. I am looking for students who want to grow and who want to seek truth. We are very normal here, we are a warm and loving family, but we are also very clear about our goal. Does this sound like something of interest to you?” I was impressed by his candid message and how willing he was to be open and honest. I was sold and I found out that his yeshiva was exactly as he described it- a place of serious growth with a warm and beautiful family atmosphere.


Rav Asher always said, “Do you know what the most foul word is? It is: Mediocre! You must live a life of greatness, stay far away from mediocrity.” He would often tell this to the Chosson and Kallah at their wedding as he blessed them at the end and left a parting message. He would tell the Chosson, “treat your Kallah well” and to the Kallah, “encourage your Chosson to learn and fill the home with Torah.” If you wanted an example of this ideal you simply had to visit his home and watch him and the Rebbetzin interact.

He always encouraged us to visit gedolim and to get their brachos. When we took a yeshiva trip to Bnei Brak to get berachos Rav Asher spoke with excitement and awe about the berachos we received. He was only slightly younger than many of the rabbanim whom we visited but he shared with us how great they were in Torah and how being in their presence inspired him to grow.

Emes at All Costs

Rav Asher was a man who stood for absolute truth at all costs. He was first to share with you that he was brought up as a modern American boy who thought of rabbis as sitting in an ivory tower and unattached from reality. When he first came to Ponovitz Yeshiva at age 15 he was placed in Rav Shach’s shiur and was blown away by the vastness and greatness of Torah. He developed a close connection with the Ponovitzer Rav, Rav Yosef Kahanaman, and a deep relationship with the mashgiach Rav Chatzkel Levenstein. He saw how wrong his perceptions had been and how in tune and attached to reality the gedolim are.

During his second year in Eretz Yisrael his parents asked him to come home as he has agreed to learn for only one year and his brother was having his Bar Mitzvah in Far Rockaway. Knowing that this trip would signify the end of his learning but feeling that he needed to respect his parent’s feelings he decided to seek the Ponovitzer Rav’s advice as his daas Torah. Rabbi Kahanaman told him in no uncertain terms that he is to stay learning in the yeshiva at all costs and he could not leave for his brother’s bar mitzvah. Rav Asher accepted this psak and was able to really grow in learning without interruption. Even at a young age he appreciated the guidance and daas Torah of the Torah world’s leaders. He became an advocate for Talmidim who needed help requesting more time to learn from their parents.

rav-asher1.fw_I would often bump into yeshiva students and kollel avraichim who would smile when I told them I was a talmid of Rav Asher Zelig. They would say, “it was because of one shmooz that I heard from him that I decided to learn another year,” “Your Rebbe is a powerful speaker and he really influenced my decision to learn Torah.” It was hard to even keep track of what Rebbe was up to, he spent most of his day at Toras Simcha learning and davening with us, he gave shiurim throughout Eretz Yisrael at many yeshivos and in his home, he ran a kollel in Ashdod and he learned with many students in person and over the phone. Yet, despite his schedule he always had time for us. Whenever I needed to talk with him he made himself available. When I would call him he would greet me warmly and if he was unavailable he would call me back, usually within that same day.

Rav Asher told me that when he was a young man he was at a large crossroad and didn’t know what to do. He wrote a letter to his close Rebbe, Rav Chatzkal Levenstein explaining his dilemma. The response is printed in Ohr Yechezkal but out of humility Rav Asher only told me the part about how he should come back to Eretz Yisrael, a place of truth but omitted the flattering words that his rebbe wrote about him. Rav Chatzkal wrote: “I understand your dilemma and I know you well, you have tremendous potential in learning and teaching Torah and have had much success in your learning and influencing others. Come back from America to Eretz Yisrael and you will grow in kedusha and greatness, this is a place of truth where words of truth are best heard. Rav Asher was moved by the response and after deciding that he would follow his rebbe’s directive whole-heartedly and moving to Eretz Yisrael he wrote a letter to Rav Moshe Feinstein stating that, “I have made up my mind to move to Eretz Yisrael, can I now keep one day of Yom Tov there.” Rav Moshe’s famous opinion on the matter was printed as a response to Rav Asher’s question, the question which came because of Rav Asher’s conviction to follow his Rebbe’s advice. That was his way, he was a real shomeya, he listened and he took emes to heart.

Rav Chatzkal’s last message to Rav Asher before his passing was that he should use his speaking talents and share the emes that he learned in Ponovitz with his talmidim. This directive pushed Rav Asher to accept a position where he would be able to help others and share powerful words of truth.


Rav Asher had the ability to make every talmid feel special. We all remember his huge smile, great hugs and pats on the back when you said something that he appreciated. He was profoundly encouraging and loved to hear about his student’s success. At the same time, he would share in student’s trails and challenges and would give words of comfort and encouragement in hard times and during personal challenges. He was always looking out for ways to help his students.

When I left the yeshiva, thirty-five boxes of seforim that belonged to me had to be shipped to America. My brother then joined the yeshiva and took on the task of transporting them to the drop off spot. My brother had trouble finding a cab willing to take the large boxed. Rav Asher found out about the issue when he left the yeshiva front door and saw all the boxes piled and waiting to be moved. He immediately told my brother that he would bring his van and help out. My brother refused and actually called me frantically to call the Rosh Yeshiva and ask him not to exert himself. When I called Rav Asher he would not hear it, “you are a talmid and I have a way to help you. When my son needs help transporting something I am there to help him.” And so it was.

On the morning of my wedding day I called Rav Asher who was being mesader to arrange last minute details. He then asked me, “Yosef, I know that you are prompt and want everything to run on time, what time do you want me to arrive by?” I was blown away by his thoughtfulness. He pressed me to respond honestly. When I told him my time he replied, “I will be there, and because of the rain I will even leave 30 minutes earlier!” He was sensitive to my needs and cared deeply to help me stay calm on that special day. After the chupa he wished us a hearty mazel tov and then made sure to wish both my parents and my wife’s parents “mazel tov and much nachas.” He was beaming with joy.

Simcha and Avodas Hashem

Watching Rebbe recite birchas hamazon was a famous and clear expression of his closeness and connection with Hashem. Many people used to watch him in awe and they would even ask him why he recited each word so slowly and with so much emotion. He always replied, “birchas hamazon is the time that we give credit to the zan es haolam, The Sustainer of the World and we beg Him for parnassah as well. That is what I am doing, I am giving thanks and asking for His support. It is a great zechus to stand before Him.”

Seeing him on Yom Kippur was like watching an angel. He would always talk about how on Yom Kippur we are so close to Hashem and every time that we say the name of Hashem we should pause for a moment to feel ourselves in front of him. It was very powerful. I really feel that his once a year message to us on Yom Kippur was the way he personally lived and acted the entire year. When you watched him say “Baruch ata Hashem,” you felt drawn into the holiness and closeness to Hashem. On Shavuos night Rebbe used to be honored with reciting Akdamos. At that late hour many people are falling off their feet from the learning, but he recited it with lightning and gusto, if you were dosing off during that challenging shachris you were awoken by his song.

Watching him make Kiddush Friday night was powerful. He would give a short message to those present that Shabbos is a time to strengthen our emunah in Hashem. His simcha on Yom Yov was palpable. He loved his family and children and he loved his students and their families. I merited to spend many succos meals with him and his family and his joy radiated from his face. The first year after I got married my wife and I spent Succos in Yerushalayim and ate by the Rubensteins. Rav Asher made sure to give a very warm and thoughtful introduction about me and our connection before asking me to say a Dvar Torah. Him and his family made my wife feel right at home. Rav Asher loved to sing. He would ask all his guests if they wanted to share a vort or a niggun. If they declined then he would provide one.

He was practical and down to earth. He once told me that many people accuse rabbis for being ignorant of the world around them. “I wish that I did not know about the horrible things that go on outside of the walls of the beis midrash, but I need to understand what I and my talmidim face so that I can give useful advice.” He was understanding of family needs and encouraged Talmidim to live within their means. His motto was that we don’t need to live fancy but we certainly can buy quality items that will be respectful for our home and will last.

Emunah Peshutah

Rav Asher’s emunah was powerful. He lived a simple life never seeking fame or honor. He knew his rule as a leader in the yeshiva and he was not afraid to speak up when emes had to be shared. He practiced everything that he preached. Almost every single talk that I ever heard from him contained two things 1- the idea of emunah and 2- a mention of Rav Chatzkal (or occasionally another rebbe of his such as Rav Benzion Bruk, Rav Avraham Yafin or others.)

I never saw him flustered by anything. I once asked him how he stays so calm despite any challenges such as health or financial. He told  me that Hashem is the all capable, the One who is Mativ and the one who takes care of us, where is there room for worry?

When he first moved to Eretz Yisrael the financial situation was dire. He told me that the Rebbetzin and him learned Chovos HaLevavos Shaar HaBitachon and learned to put their faith in Hashem. Chovos HaLevavos was one of his favorite seforim and he often recommended Shaar HaBitachon to his students. Another Sefer that he told everyone to learn is Nefesh HaChaim Shaar Deled (only). He said it had a profound impact on him and helped him understand the greatness of Torah.

Whenever I would talk with him after he offered his advice he would say “daven to the Kadosh Baruch Hu, because only he can help you.” Rebbe’s Shemoneh Esrei instilled emunah in us as we saw how much he enjoyed speaking with Hashem as a servant before his master. His emunah was palpable.

Derech HaLimud

Having spent almost three years in Rav Asher’s Gemara shiur and having learnt with him for a number of months in preparation from the shiur I can say that his Derech HaLimud had a profound impact on my learning style. When I first joined the shiur I was taken aback by the conversation style, the Rosh Yeshiva opened the shiur by stating that we are all chavrusos and would have a discussion. I thought he was joking as I was expecting a lecture. But we would read the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos and bring up all the issues together, then we would bring in the Rishonim to better understand how they arrived at their conclusions. Rav Asher was not afraid to allow others to speak and he felt that it brought out the pshat in a powerful way. Any time anyone said a good explanation he would make sure to give credit to them. Any time we made an incorrect suggestion, he would respectfully and carefully show us where our logic or assessment does not align with the Gemara or Rishonim.

Rav Asher told me that when he came to Ponovitz on the first day his friends and him just sat in Rav Shach’s shuir and took notes silently as he talked. After ten minutes of this Rav Shach slammed his Gemara closed and stopped talking. “What is going on here? You are just copying down what I am saying like it’s Torah min HaShamayim. I will not allow this. If you want to learn you have to speak up and add to the discussion, that is how we will all grow together.” This was Rav Asher’s approach which he learned well from his rebbe.

Dating and Marriage Advice

Rav Asher found himself dealing with many talmidim who were dating. He began to deliver a vaad for them to help them. This turned into a tape series which has been widely distributed. His advice is powerful and practical. He was involved and personally made many shidduchim for his students. He felt very strongly that a boy and girl who agreed to meet once should always have a second date (unless one of them adamantly refused). He felt that it was always best to give it a second chance and I know of tens of people who are only married today because of his advice.

Rav Asher has great nachas to see his talmidim married. He would call in students when he thought they were ready to date and encourage them to prepare themselves for marriage. He had many tapes that shared valuable advice about relationships and understanding the other gender. He once told me that it is extremely important to marry a great spouse, “Do you think that I would have become anything if not for my wife?!” I saw the tears in his eyes.

He had many great insights into human nature and he spoke about the importance of respecting your spouse’s needs and desires. Watching him interact with his wife was a powerful lesson in shalom bayis and respect.

I was once at his house for Shabbos lunch and there was a guest who was there with me who was trying to rush the pace of the meal. Rav Asher asked him if he wanted to bench so that he could leave but the person said he would wait. When he grew more inpatient Rav Asher whispered something in his ear and the man stopped his antics. I was sitting one seat over and I heard it: “My dear wife spent hours preparing this delicious Shabbos meal, please let me say a Dvar Torah which she enjoys and let the guests eat so that my wife will know that her hard work is appreciated.” At every single meal that I attended he was always the first one to compliment his wife’s great cooking and to thank her.


He was a man of truth and always spoke about other rabbanim and what he would learn from them. He told me that whenever he saw Rav Asher Arieli shlit”a he was moved to increase his own hasmadah in learning. Rav Tzvi Meyer was a talmid of Rav Asher at Itri. Rav Asher told me, “that man is a fireball of Yiras Shamayim and I sit by his feet to hear his beautiful and powerful divrei torah.” Many times I asked him how he was zocheh to have 11 children who are all Bnei Torah. He would tell me, “ask my wife it is to her credit.” My wife actually asked the Rebbetzin, she said that her and the Rosh Yeshiva never davened to have nachas from their children, they davened that Hashem should have nachas from their children, and this way they too would enjoy nachas. The home of the Rosh Yeshiva was filled with Torah and Yiras Shamayim. It was a place of great simcha and hasraas HaShechina in a powerful and palpable way. I have the fondest memories of Purim with the Rosh HaYeshiva and every other Yom Tov. Rebbe pushed us to learn and to grow each day and he led us by example.


Rav Asher once told me that he was a witness at a wedding where Rav Beinish Finkel was misader kiddushin. Rav Beinish turned to the two witnesses and said, “do teshuva for any sins that you have to make sure that you are not pasul to be a witness” Rav Asher commented to me that he was so frightened he started to say vidoy to himself. He took things to heart and was deeply moved in situations where others would have simply let the inspiration get lost.


Indeed, the relationship that my brother and I developed with our beloved Rebbe became a family relationship as well. My parents and siblings all knew Rebbe and were zocheh to host him just two months ago when he came in for Shabbos for my brother’s wedding. My mother’s first words when she spoke to me tonight were a bitter cry, “Who will be your Rebbe now?” A question that needs to be answered for thousands of us who merited to know Rav Asher and to call him Rebbe. We must carry on his life’s mission, we must take his passing to heart and commit not to ever forget the truth that he stood for.


I think back to September 11, 2001 when the world was in turmoil and we at the yeshiva did not know how to react. Rav Asher called for an immediate assembly at the end of seder and told us that whatever Hashem does in this world is a message for us to take to heart and to learn from. Our job is to keep up the learning and growth and not to forget why we are here. Rav Asher always taught us to take stock of our lives and to live according to the truth that we know in our hearts.

Many of my close friends from yeshiva have been calling me since hearing the news and asking me what to do. I think that the most powerful response is to remember Rebbe’s love of Hashem, of Torah, of life and instill this into our everyday life. This will be the greatest aliya for his neshama. This was the greatness that he embodied.


Yhi zicro baruch.


The author invites your feedback and is compiling divrei zikaron and preparing a publication of Divrei Torah, please email him at [email protected] for details or submit your thoughts here.


(Source: BaltimoreJewishLife.com)

3 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan Ho’emmes. Although I never merited to speak to him, besides once a “shalom Aleichem”, I’ve collected quite a few shiurim of his and love listening to them over and over again. The Ish Emmes and his Ahavas Hachaim clearly come across at every one of them.
    Thank you for this beautiful article. Yehei Zichro Boruch

  2. Rav Asher TZL wsa my mashgiach and I was at the levaya on motzei shabbos. 25 years after he was my mashgiach and I made aliyah I saw him at a wedding – the hug he gave me is something that stays with me forever. Every time I saw him ( most recently on a flight back from NY just a few months ago ) the feeling of caring and happiness to see me is hard to describe. I know that this is multiplied by so many – as was apparent at the levaya and so many more in the U.S. Rav Eichenstein mentioned how he was a true yedid – what is amazing is how many others felt exactly the same even though he was such a giant in Torah and Yiras Shamayim he did not just relate to others he was like a father, mother and best friend. What a loss for Klal Yisroel – he should be a malitz yosher for his talmidim and family to carry on in his footsteps and his legacy of recordings is a light for us to still get his hadracha.

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