Treif Meat Apprehended at the Hizme Checkpoint

meatMeat smuggling has become an industry in the PA (Palestinian Authority) and for the kosher consumer; this is all the more reason one needs to be especially careful where one purchases one’s meat.

The smugglers have become increasingly clever and creative as they seek to bypass inspection points. This was the case on Sunday 26 Teves 5774 at the Hizme Checkpoint entrance to Yerushalayim from Shomron. The driver of a Seat (a European car company) was asked to pull over for inspection after he aroused the suspicion of security personnel monitoring the checkpoint. The supervisor of the checkpoint felt the car was too low to the ground and he suspected it was carrying illegal cargo.

To read the entire article on Jerusalem Kosher News CLICK HERE.

5 Responses

  1. Just another reason why anyone who is machmir on kashrus should only buy from a butcher with verified chasideshe hashgacha, the gold standard. You don’t find these scams with an experienced chasidish mashgiach monitoring every shtick fleish coming through the door and knowing that it came from a shalchthois with chassideshe hashgacaha.

  2. “The smugglers have become increasingly cleaver”

    Of course they have, how else would they be able to cut up the meat?

    (If you don’t get it, look up the definition of the last word in the quote – funny typo.)

  3. BH

    Listen Chevre, we are being told by our so called leaders that us Chareidim shouldent serve in the army,so i guess we should rely on the Chilony solders to insure our Kashrus

  4. @1 and your gold standard: Your standard can include New Christians (worshippers of a dead messiah) a chasidus that harbors within the NK insanity, or a chasidus with higher ups appearing on the Fed perpwalk, and Rebbes, that do or threaten to be makdiah tavshilainu berabbin. I personally prefer to remain vegetarian until or if I can manage a private shechita of a private, grass fed animal.

  5. 1. If only that were true. Think Monsey, for starters. Also, years ago, I heard about a Williamsburg Chassidish butcher shop who didn’t let the water run off properly during koshering, leaving blood pockets within the meat. That would make it treif.

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