Satmar Rebbe Of Williamsburg’s Participation Seen As Key to Protest Rally


While the date for the planned protest rally against the Chareidi draft is drawing near, there is still no clear consensus regarding the participation of certain groups, including New York’s Satmar kehilla and Lakewood’s Litivishe community. It appears that the Satmar Rebbe, R’ Aron Teitelbaum, has already assured his full participation at the demonstration and will be one of those on the podium who will be speaking at the event.

Senior representatives of the Satmar kehilla in Williamsburg explained that while ordinarily they would be the first ones to join in a protest of this nature, in this case, they are concerned that the rally may be turned into a political event by the Agudah MK. Currently, there is no way to know if this will be a demonstration to support our Israeli brothers that are being moser nefesh in their opposition to the draft or if the secular media will seize on this and raise questions as to why our young men are refusing to cooperate with the Israeli government on this issue.

The Satmar kehilla is currently saying that if they will participate in the rally, the Satmar Rebbe himself will not address the crowd. It is expected that the R’ Yitzchok Tovia Weiss, chief rabbi of the Eidah Chareidis, who has been very vocal in his opposition to the Chareidi draft, will be one of several prominent rabbonim who will be speaking at the rally. It is also extremely likely that the rabbonim who will be addressing the crowd will be speaking in a combination of Yiddish and English, but not Hebrew, which would be problematic for the Satmar contingent.

The Satmar Rebbe, R’ Zalman Leib Teitelbaum is still deciding whether or not to take part in the event.

“Should the Rebbe decide to participate in the rally, it is very likely that Jerusalem’s Eidah Chareidis Beis Din will give a letter of support for the event, which in and of itself would be historic,” said one Satmar representative.

One of the askanim organizing the rally admitted that the participation of the Satmar community is crucial to its success, pointing to the Asifa which took place at CitiField two years ago.

“Within two days after the Satmar Rebbe announced that the Satmar community should attend the Asifa, 10,000 seats were sold at CitiField,” said the askan. “We hope that the Satmar kehilla will decide to support this event which will give us the ability to stage an unprecedented historic event.”

Several other kehillos and rabbonim, including the Skulener Rebbe and Pshevorsker Rebbe have already announced that they will only attend the rally if the Satmar Rebbe will be in attendance.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Let me guess. These inconsiderate vilda chayas will hold it on New Year’s Eve and stress the NYPD resources like they did on Christmas Eve.

  2. The spectacle of a bunch of rabbonim from EY flying over to NYC to stage a political protest against their government’s policy on mandatory national service is more likely to harm their cause than generate any support from either the American jewish community or the public at large. Orthodox jews have served in the army in all of our nation’s major wars and done so with distinction. EY is facing an existential threat and most Americans will have little sympathy for a major segment of the Israeli population that demands that its children be exempt from any form of national service and the children of everyone else be made to bear the burden. Whatever side of the draft issue one may be on, this so called “rally” will be totally counterproductive.

  3. Everyday people from Israel come to shuls all over New York to collect money for diffrent causes .There are many charties in the USA that collect money for poor people in Israel .I guess ALL these money that will be wasted for this rally could be BETTER used to give to all those poor JEWS in Israel.As to the need to have a rally against Israel for the new laws.We the frum YIDEN are to be blamed for it.If we would have had ACHDUS among our self at the last Israel election (all the frum yiden should be as ONE PARTY ,and not 10 parties )then that ONE FRUM PARTY would have had 26 to 30 seats in the Kanesset ,then the frum party could have done good for HASHEM.

  4. Baruch Hashem. I hope to participate in this historic protest against the zionist government of Israel. I hope this site keeps everyone abreast as to the time and place of this Kiddush Shem Shmayim will IY”H take place so anyone in the area, or even beyond the area, can partake in this tremendous mitzvah of supporting our brethren, Acheinu Bnei Yisroel in Eretz HaKodesh. It should be with much Hatzlacha and Brocha.

  5. “The spectacle of a bunch of rabbonim from EY flying over to NYC to stage a political protest against their government’s policy on mandatory national service is more likely to harm their cause than generate any support from either the American jewish community or the public at large.”

    And it is at a time when the safety of the five million Jews in Israel demands that we protest in FAVOR of Israel, not against it!

  6. Besides Ben Toeah the comments are Lashon Hara. boropork: “Let me guess. These inconsiderate vilda chayas will hold it on New Year’s Eve and stress the NYPD resources like they did on Christmas Eve.” You should be ashame calling those Gedolei Hador blida Chaya’s! But I wouldn’t expect something else from someone who has a pork in her sign name. Shame on you! Achinu are in great sorrow. In Eretz Israel we can not learn Torah! every hishtadlus must be done! Kol Hacavod to the Rabbis who Arranged it and Kol Hacavod to any Jew who participate! Yishar Coach!!!

  7. Vilda chayas. Typo. You are stressed about nypd but not about the fact bachurei Yeshiva can not sit and learn Torah in Eretz Hakodesh. Which will destroy the world. Get your priorities in order!

  8. #1
    It’s not a question of Satmar hating the organizers of this Asifa. It’s merely an issue that Satmar can’t attend an Asifa which is geared to advance the agenda of the Agudah rather then the problem at issue.

    This article also makes it sound that all the other Rabbanim are following the Satmar rabbi’s rulings. While reality is very simple, a group of Rabannim with the same outlook discussing it toghether, rather then create confusion with having to deal with each individually. And since the Satmar Rabbi has the highest representation of this group,it’s being focused on him. (Everyone who knows him and his dealings knows that he doesn’t make these types of decisions by himself).

  9. Can anyone confirm the word going fast around that the Agudah has signed a contract today renting out Yankee Stadium, with over 50,000 seats, for the Asifa protest led by the Admorim?

  10. IF & WHEN this rally becomes a Satmar happening the door will be closed on other groups (Litvish & Yeshivish) who were planning to attend.

  11. Beezrat Hashem says:
    December 29, 2013 at 11:34 pm

    Vilda chayas. Typo. You are stressed about nypd but not about the fact bachurei Yeshiva can not sit and learn Torah in Eretz Hakodesh. Which will destroy the world. Get your priorities in order!

    why lie.

    first even if a person goes into the IDF one can still learn torah on their down time. Just like the secular might go to movies clubs whatever the yeshiva boy can go the beis medresh then

    In addition you are dismissing all the torah learning from every other person who are not in the IDF.

    I am sure the world will survive in boys men go to the army. Proof is in the torah they went and we survived

  12. #12

    Why should it be that way? All that Satmar is requesting is, for the Asifah to be nonpartisan and to the point of the draft. And it should not in any way be a platform to bolster the Agudah.

    Your comments only strengthen the argument for Satmar not to attend.

    BTW, the conditions Satmar is requesting are m CH easier to meet the the Litvishe (which are unpredictable). And I hardly believe the Litvishe can outnumber the 20-25 thousand people Satmar can deliver.

  13. Satmar is anti-zionist, meaning they hold that the Zionists had no business starting the war, and participating in the war is contrary to halacha. Anti-zionist hareidim don’t accept government money (are unaffected by loss of subsidies) and are conscientious objectors.

    Groups such as Agudah are for the State of Israel, are dependent on government funding (and need to raise money to replace it), and are being somewhat hypocritical in supporting a war but not wanting to send their children to fight (though it appears that most pro-zionist hareidim end up serving in the IDF or alternative “civil” service). They are arguing over public policy, but are clearly not conscientious objectors.

    This is an important distinction since persecuting conscientious objectors is a violation of international human rights law, an if the Muslims offer to protect the anti-zionist Jews it would seriously undermine Israel’s international position.

  14. Bogen,

    I don’t know about your rumor but I do know that Yankel Stadium may not be available due to the upcoming hockey games there. In many cases the NHL gets the outdoor stadium a month before as had happened already in Ann Arbor, MI.

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