Get Rav Aharon Kotler zatzal’s Forgotten Method of Sfiras HaOmer

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Imagine for a moment someone on the very lowest level where he is about to fall into the abyss forever, and in less than two months, an avreich learning in the top Brisk yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.

**Please help an almanah with yesomim whose parked car was smashed and she has no means of transportation**

Sounds impossible?

Well, we did it.

During the seven weeks of the Omer, Klal Yisroel underwent a remarkable transformation. Between exiting Mitzrayim on Pesach to Shavuos, when we received the Torah, we went from the lowest spiritual level to the loftiest ever – becoming the Dor De’ah – the greatest generation that ever lived.   Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l states (MRA Vol. III p. 13) that during the period of Sfiras HaOmer – we too can orchestrate within ourselves a similar transformation.

He writes, following the path of the great Maharal of Prague, that each day of the Omer correlates to one of the 48 ways in which Torah is acquired (Pirkei Avos 6:6).   Below is a sfira calendar with the corresponding method of acquiring Torah – along with a short explanation.  There is a difference between how Rav Aharon dealt with the discrepancy of one – Rav Aharon zatzal put it toward the end, while the Maharal put it in teh beginning.

Below is a printable, downloadable 2 page pdf of the this method of growth.  The author suggests printing it on 2 sides of the same page and keeping it in your siddur or printing it out and laminating it for the family’s use.

Rav Aharon Sefiras HaOmer lzchus

The author can be reached at [email protected]

**Please help an almanah with yesomim whose parked car was smashed and she has no means of transportation**

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