Rav Chaim zatzal: 4 Interesting Muktzah Rulings

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

How do we consider matches in halacha on Shabbos?   When can you move a kli shemelachto l’issur for a gentile’s use?  Is going to the neighbor required when you don’t have a totally permitted kli to use?  Read further to see.

The Mishna Brurah (308:12) writes that one may not move a Kli shemelachto l’issur u’l’heter letzorech gufo – in order to use it for a permitted purpose if there is a kli shemelachto l’heter available in the house.  One may do so, however, if there isn’t a kli shemelachto l’heter easily available.  There is no obligation, however, to go to the neighbor’s house to get a kli shemelachto l’heter.

What if a goy came to the house and needed to use a kli shemelachto l’issur u’l’heter – may one carry it for the goy’s use?  If it is necessary in order to get back to what you need to do or some similar use it is permitted.

Is a match considered a non-vessel or Muktzah machmas chisaron kis, or a kli shemelachto l’issur?  – It is a kli shemelachto l’issur – and can therefore be used as a toothpick.  This is opposed to the view of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach cited in SSK 14:97 who is concerned that it is considered like firewood – in that it is wood designated to be burned and therefore ineligible to be used as a toothpick.

Mizmor L’Assaf, Shabbos p. 172.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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