WATCH: Hrs. Before Drama: HaRav Shalom Cohen: “Racheim! Gov’t Should Fall Or They Should Do Teshuva”

HaRav Shalom Cohen: "Hakadosh Baruch Hu: Racheim, racheim, racheim." (Yishai Cohen Twitter/Screenshot)

Only hours before Yamina MK Idit Silman triggered a political earthquake in the wake of her resignation from the coalition on Wednesday morning, HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen, the Nasi of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah, pleaded with Hashem that the “government should fall or they should do teshuvah.”

In a course of a conversation at the Rosh Yeshiva’s home on Tuesday evening, the Rosh Yeshivah expressed great pain about the Bennett government’s harm to religion, crying out: “Ribbono shel Olam, have mercy on Your nation Yisrael, Racheim, racheim racheim.”

“This government is killing us. Either they should fall or do teshuvah.”

The Rosh Yeshivah continued: “We say to Hakadosh Baruch – do it for Your sake, not for the sake of Am Yisrael – for Your sake. They’re destroying all of Am Yisrael.”

It should be noted that there are incredible stories that occurred in the past about the Rosh Yeshivah’s brachos and words being fulfilled.

Chareidi reporter Aryeh Erlich wrote on Wednesday: “Not long ago, I spoke with Chacham Shalom Cohen, who said: ‘How do we overthrow this government? There’s not one ‘tzaddik in Sedom’ who will break up this evil coalition?'”

“I asked: ‘What will be the zechus of the person who leaves?'”

“HaRav Cohen: ‘It’s said of him: ‘There are those who acquire [Olam Haba] in one hour.’ He’ll be zocheh to oppose the Chillul Hashem and raise the name of Hashem Yisbarach in the world.'”

Aryeh Erlich Twitter

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The rabbi behind Silman’s resignation | First publication
    This is the rabbi who has been in touch with Silman in recent weeks and persuaded her to take the dramatic step announced this morning.

    Kobi Bornstein
    | Nissan 5. 5782. Now 14.

    In recent weeks, Silman has spoken several times with her aunt – Rabbi Zvi Padida, head of the Heichal Zvi-Or Gaon institutions, who convinced her to make the move.

    Last week she was convinced in principle, talked to him about it, and he conveyed the message to the leaders of the right-wing factions who hurried to contact her. …
    According to insiders, “she decided to make the move mainly following the halakhic decrees” and the understanding that she would not be able to influence from within the coalition and therefore decided to resign and thereby bring about a change of government.

    The confrontation between Horowitz and Silman developed last week, following Horowitz’s directive to the hospitals to uphold the High Court ruling that the bags of visitors should not be rummaged through. Silman attacked the minister and said that “Am Yisrael have flags that whole generations, people have killed themselves on these flags and we for sure in the current government will not be a part of their overthrow. We can not take part in such a place as this is the statement.
    [She] Calls on the Minister to issue an orderly directive to the hospitals that have been run this way for generations, because there is a crossing of a red line here. I announce – in my shift it will not be. It’s a matter of my soul. We will not take part in such a reality.”

  2. Coffee Addict- what do you think- they just stepped out of the Brisk beis medresh to take these picture? There’s a reason they’re reporters.

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