A Tale of Two Roys…

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

They both share the same name. Roy Neuberger, the father was known as a bastion of American finance and a patron of the arts.  Roy Neuberger the son, and his wife, Leah, however, are known as bastions of Torah outreach and patrons of promoting the Torah way of life.  They have travelled the world and have inspired thousands to embrace their birthright – the birthright of Sinai.

Roy, or rather, Reb Yisroel Neuberger, has a unique perspective that allows people to relate to how they came to Yiddishkeit.  But his unique abilities and insights are not just effective for Kiruv rechokim – they are enormously effective for what can be called, “Kiruv Krovim.”  They help build Emunah, Bitachon, and a desire for dveikus bashem – something that we could all use a boost in.

Rather than just reading about it – watch for yourself.

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