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Netanyahu At Bnei Brak Shiva: Coalition Can’t Fight Terror Because Islamists are in the Government

Opposition leader and former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu suggested that the Ra’am Party’s inclusion in the ruling government coalition is making it difficult to reign in terrorists across Israel.

“We must restore peace and security to Israeli citizens,” Netanyahu said in the wake of 11 Israelis being killed in three terror attacks over the span of eight days.

“Unfortunately, everyone sees a government dependent on the Islamic Movement isn’t doing this and probably isn’t capable of doing this,” Netanyahu added.

Netanyahu’s comments came after he paid a shiva visit to the families of two of the five victims in Tuesday’s Bnei Brak terror attack, during which he called on the government to act with a “strong hand” against terror.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. It is extremely distasteful to politicize someone else’s grief.

    I agree with most of Bibi’s policies, but this was wrong.

  2. As if there weren’t any terrorist attacks and killings when he was the PM…..give me a break. Depending on the definitions used and data source, there were approximately 700 fatalities as a result of Palestinian violence and terrorism when his Likud coalitions in charge

  3. prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu suggested that the Ra’am Party’s inclusion in the ruling government coalition is making it difficult to reign in terrorists across Israel. So astutely on the ball, and we so badly want & need you back in Prime Minister’s office,

  4. You look at those pictures and you see those expressions on his face. You can see that he is in real pain over what happened and he’s showing real compassion towards the families.. thats just my observation…

  5. BIBI… A good Jew who has devoted his whole life to Am Israel whether you like him or not. So give the guy a break and if you don’t agree with his politics then devote your life to the Jewish nation. Easy to criticize, but hey we are JEWS.

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