Belzer Rebbe To Join Admorim Traveling Abroad Regarding IDF Draft of Yeshiva Bochrim

belzThe rumors regarding the Belzer Rebbe’s Shlita participation in the delegation traveling to the United States were back and forth until the rebbe on Sunday night announced his decision. The rebbe on Sunday night the eve of 20 Teves 5774 put an end to the speculation, stating he will be part of the delegation of admorim traveling abroad.

The admorim are affiliated with the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Agudas Yisrael and they hope to enlist support against the government’s planned draft of bnei yeshivos. While in the USA the admorim plan to meet with elected officials, admorim, and leaders of the chareidi community in an effort to apply pressure on the current Israeli government in the hope the planned draft of bnei yeshivos will be eliminated.

Needless to say the news of the Belzer Rebbe’s decision spread quickly among chassidim in the USA for the rebbe has not been in the United States for some 20 years.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Can someone explain what sort of support this delegation is aiming to gather? Will financial support help? Are they hoping that we will give them chizuk? I’m sure they have concrete goals but it seems difficult to gather what those might be. Any ideas are appreciated.


  2. why meet just learn torah that should protect the y6eshiva boys from the draft. Since they claim it protect the whole country from enemies the draft should be an easy task

  3. Agudah generally favored army service by its members, but not dropping out of yeshiva to do so. This means they have more room to compromise that the anti-zionist hareidim (who oppose army service in general, and are conscientious objectors), but it also means that Agudah-oriented yeshivos are facing a financial crisis due to loss of funding. Assuming they manage to convince the zionists not to incarcerate all young hareidim for indefinite periods, they still to raise money to keep their yeshivos going.

  4. Wow that would be a big baruch habaah and a major event. No doubt that the Belzer’s from surrounding cities and from Montreal will all attend. Hope the admorim will be very matzliach to abolish the decree.

  5. “the admorim plan to meet with elected officials”

    Please be aware, that there is a direct connection between global Anti-Israel bashing and terror & violence towards Jews, our needs and our institutions. Playing with matches can & does cause ‘sparks & burns’.

  6. let’s wish them הצלחה they probably hope to meet with the politician’s who are favorable to israel and they in turn will influence the Israeli government. all modern countries exempt divinity students from the draft. this includes the US when they has a draft. I was a yeshiva bochur during the Veitnam war and there were many boys that joined yeshiva to evade the draft and believe me, much Torah was learnt even though it was שלא לשמה

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