New Dirshu “Chaburas HaShas Iyun” Program Announced At Melava Malka Siyum on Seder Moed

Calling the motzoei Shabbos melava malka by the title “Siyum on Seder Moed” is a misnomer. It was far more than a siyum. It was a demonstration! It was a demonstration that yedias haTorah at a high level is possible for anyone who really wants to achieve a goal. It was a demonstration that yedias haTorah, becoming a Shas Yid is more of a “mindset” than a question of whether you are a genius or not, a kollel yungerman or a baal habayis.

The Shabbos that preceded the melava malka siyum was a Shabbos that was mei’ein Olam Habaah. It was not only the amazing program that Dirshu has put together with some of the most inspiring drashos from Gedolei Yisrael from across the spectrum, nor the attention to detail that the Shabbos should feature every hiddur in ruchniyus and gashmiyus possible. What was equally impressive were the spontaneous comments and enthusiasm of the “poshute” Dirshu Yidden who are truly not “poshut” at all. During the meals, the discussions revolved around the intricacies of the masechta or the way one Yid said so matter-of-factly that he did not even think it was remarkable but all of his mechutanim know that he does not schedule a chasunah of one of his children for the week of a Dirshu test because then there would be one night when he would not be able to attend sheva brachos… The Dirshu test comes before everything!

The highlight of the evening was Rav Dovid Hofstedter’s comprehensive Torah address which culminated in the dramatic announcement of a new Dirshu program.

“After much consultation with numerous Roshei Yeshiva and with the bracha of the Gedolei Hador, the consensus is that we need to start a new program, a program of limud haShas b’iyun. It has been our minhag to announce new Dirshu programs at the culminating melava malka of a unique Dirshu Shabbos. Tonight, we are, be’ezras Hashem launching the new Dirshu Chaburas HaShas Initiative! The basic structure of the two-track program will be Track 1 Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos. Track II Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos with ikker Rishonim and Acharonim. The program will require learning one amud a day, five days a week with Friday and Shabbos consecrated for chazarah. Of course, there will be monthly tests on all material learned.”

Rav Dovid concluded that more details would be released soon and that the new program is slated to start on this upcoming Rosh Chodesh Iyar!

The news of this new, challenging program has already sent ripples of excitement and anticipation through the olam haTorah and especially among lomdei Dirshu who are accustomed to seeking new goals no matter how challenging!

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