How We Can Stop World War III and the Impending Future Carnage

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Every expert is saying it.  There is a strong likelihood that Putin can invoke the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict he had started.  If he does do so, then the United States would be forced to use them as well – because if not, it would grant Putin a license to use them in numerous other conflicts.


Observant Jews know and believe that our actions and prayers do have efficacy.  When we change our actions, when we fervently daven, we can change and reverse decrees.  That is what Purim is all about.

There is something that we can all try to do right now.


Let us stop Machlokes.  Let us stop the internal fighting and disputes among us.  If we make peace among ourselves, it can and will have ramifications elsewhere.  Globally as well.

Chanukah and Purim are both important days, but Purim is extra, extra special.  On Purim we demonstrated absolute unity – achdus.  On Chanukah, we didn’t.

And guess what happened on Purim?  We merited to accept Torah sh’b’al peh.


The Mitzvos of Purim reflect this message.  Mishloach manos, enacted after Purim happened was done to maintain and promote internal shalom.  The same is true with matanos l’evyonim.  The Kriyah of the Megillah also reflects recognizing Klal Yisroel’s turnaround in Teshuvah, our unity.  The Seudah strengthens family ties and our concern for others too.  Some opinions even hold that Mishloach Manos was ordained to look out for others so that they too can have what is necessary to have a Purim Seudah.

We daven three times a day for Shalom, let’s take the action necessary to make it happen – especially on Purim – the day most mesugal for unity.  If ever there was a National Shalom Day – it is Purim.  Perhaps this can be another interpretation of Yom HaKippurim – it is a day like Purim in that we can make Shalom with others.


And let’s stop the attitude of finding fault with others and blaming others.

  1. When we blame each other for things, we violate a Torah prohibition of Onaas Dvarim – verbal and emotional abuse.
  2. When we blame each other for things we shirk our role and percentage of blame in the conflict and thus squash our opportunity for Teshuvah – a gift from Hashem.
  3. When we blame others, we negate our opportunity to take and model achrayus and mesiras nefesh – the very principle that constantly saves Klal Yisroel from disaster. On Purim, Esther and Mordechai took and demonstrated achrayus for Klal Yisroel.
  4. When we blame each other for things we abnegate one of the greatest principles of the Torah – v’ahavta larayacha kamocha – loving each other like ourselves. For there is no love without reasonable and rational communication.
  5. When we blame others, we violate the Torah concept and obligation of being dan lekaf z’chus – judging others favorably.
  6. When we blame others we are abnegating the idea that each individual was created B’Tzelem Elokim in the image of the Creator – in that the Al-Mighty endowed us with Bechira – freedom of choice. We, in essence, insult the Creator of all.
  7. When we blame each other, we show that we do not care about the future of our children. Rather, we engage in feel-good action of a temporary nature, but we do not engage in a true-fix for underlying issues that will vouchsave the future future for our children.
  8. When we blame each other, we show that we do not care about Chillul Hashem – the desecration of Hashem’s Name. We show that those who observe Torah are capable of dishing it out as well as anyone else out there.  We show that we care not about Hashem’s Kavod – we care only about our own.


We need to reach out –  l’ma’an haShalom.  This is true on organizational levels as well as on individual levels.  It is true among siblings and among spouses.  It is true among couples and ex-couples.  And it is true on a global level as well.


And let’s not make the grave error of using our brains, our energy, and thoughts explaining why shalom won’t work.  Instead, let us expend our brains, our energy, and our thoughts in trying to figure out how to make it work.  Ain Davar ha’omed lifnei haratzon – if we want to do something – nothing stands in the way, so let us want shalom, and we can make it happen.


We need to understand and give voice to the other side’s perspective. “Yes, that business, or organization views what I am doing as a threat to their continued business’s success and that is why they have engaged in unfair tactics of X, Y, or Z.”  Or, “Yes, my spouse had a hard day, and that is why he/she neglected to…, I certainly understand that.”

So let’s give that get, let’s stop the parental alienation, let’s stop the boycotting of that other store, chassidus, hechsher, and Torah teachings. Rather, try to figure out how to make shalom.  Let’s reach out to that family member that we have been purposefully ignoring, estranging, and boycotting.

Let’s remember that the root of the word, “Achzar” cruelty comes from Ach!  Zar!  Look at this!  Zar – treating the other like a zar, a stranger!

In the merit of our attempt to make shalom, and to keep the future shalom, may we have shalom in the world, in our midst, and in the midst of our children and grandchildren, and avoid the carnage of a third world war.

MATANOS L’Evyonim Please give to a very worthwhile young couple in need of help

The author can be reached at [email protected]

MATANOS L’Evyonim Please give to a very worthwhile young couple in need of help

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