U.S. Actor Sean Penn Says He Is With Jacob Ostreicher At ‘Undisclosed Location’

jacnActor Sean Penn says he is with Jacob Ostreicher after a humanitarian operation was carried out to remove the New York businessman from Bolivia.

Penn said Ostreicher is safe, well and receiving medical attention at an undisclosed location.

In a statement sent by his publicist, Penn said Ostreicher needed to be extracted “from the corrupt prosecution and imprisonment he was suffering in Bolivia.” He didn’t provide any details about the operation or who was behind it.

Penn has taken a deep interest in Ostreicher’s plight and traveled to La Paz a year ago to urge President Evo Morales to free him. After the visit, Ostreicher was released from jail and placed under house arrest while a money laundering investigation into the rice-growing venture he managed continued to work its way through Bolivia’s justice system.


4 Responses

  1. I think at this point it is safe to say that Mr. Penn is the man behind Yanky’s “kidnapping.” I say this in no small part due to the fact that he is about the only one not piling on to try and grab credit. And while it may not be my place, may I say on behalf of Klal Yisroel: thank you Mr Penn! May The Ribono shel Olam grant that you go from blessing to blessing, success to success!

  2. While I applaud his efforts of behalf of Yanky an individual who was in a helpless situation, I’m still not convinced he loves our people. There are some very questionable things he has said and done in the past like be chummy chummy with the likes of Hugo Chavez.

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