Some Thoughts and Sayings of Rav Yitzchok Feigelstock zt”l

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Picture courtesy of AE Skilled Photography [917-969-6255]

Rav Feigelstock zt”l was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mesivta of Long Beach, New York, where he had taught thousands of Talmidim over the years.

Harav Feigelstock was a close student of Rav Aaron Kotler zt”l, and was also a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. He was also a great-great grandson of the Chsam Sofer.

Rav Yitchak escaped Europe and eventually made his way to North America, where he became a talmid at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. He developed a close relationship with Harav Gedalia Schorr, zt”l, who urged him to go to Lakewood and learn under Rav Schorr’s own rebbi, Harav Aaaron Kotler zt”l.

Rav Feigelstock became one of Rav Aharon’s closest talmidim, the Rosh Yeshiva zt”l often discussed serious issues with Rav Feigelstock, and referred to him as his, “pele yoeitz, his incredible advisor.”  While in Lakewood, he delivered Mussar Chaburos to the Talmidim.  Indeed, Rav Yeruchem Olshin shlita told this author that he had patterned his own mehalech in mussar after Rav Feigelstock’s chaburos.  For more of his Torah see Yehge Chochma by Rav Shaul HaDad SimanTov (718) 336-5252

Below are thirteen thoughts and sayings of Rav Feigelstock zt”l.

  1. We have a duty to take into account every Jew and to feel a sense of responsibility for the entire Klal Yisroel.
  2. Serving Hashem without a sense of joy is not considered serving Hashem at all.
  3. Torah brings a person to an unparalleled sense of joy.
  4. We have an obligation of hakaras hatov that we have merited to be from those who study Torah.
  5. The main Dveikus Bashem is through emulating Him.
  6. The fundaments of Emunah lie in the proper observance of Shabbos and in the study of the halachos related to Shabbos. (When we keep and study Shabbos – we further emulate Him as well, by refraining from partaking in creative acts on Shabbos as He did.)
  7. If one is tolerant of the faults and insults from others (as Hashem is tolerant), then one is capable of turning Hashem’s Midas HaDin into Midas HaRachamim.
  8. Improving one’s midos is an obligation. It also has side benefits too. One gets along with others better, things go his or her way, life is smoother, and life is healthier.
  9. Contemplating on the fact that we are a tzelem elokim that we were created in Hashem’s image (in that we have free choice – bechira) – helps us realize that we are also spiritual entities – not just physical ones – this idea keeps us on the straight path.
  10. If one does not recognize his own qualities and abilities, at the end of the day, he will have nothing in hand.
  11. If one toils in the study of Torah in the proper manner – he will receive a syata dishmaya to be able to learn the Torah in its entirety.
  12. The schar that one receives in Olam Habah is not result-dependent it is effort-dependent.
  13. The ultimate purpose of everything that transpires in the world is so to enable Klal Yisroel to occupy themselves in the intricacies of Torah study.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

2 Responses

  1. These “thirteen thoughts and sayings of Rav Feigelstock zt”l” are found in ma’amorei Chazal (as expected), akin to attributing to a particular Godol the thought and saying “In the beginning, Hashem created the Heaven and the earth”. [MODERATOR: CHALLENGE FROM RABBI HOFFMAN: FIND THE EXACT CHAZAL.. YOU CLAIM EXISTS – NOT SOMETHING SIMILAR BUT THE EXACT IDEA..]

  2. ‘We have an obligation of hakaras hatov that we have merited to be from those who study Torah’
    This novel thought makes us remember that we are PRIVILEGED to learn Torah.
    Important and USEFUL insight.
    Yasher Koach to R.Hoffman on bringing up the memory of a beloved Rosh Yeshiva.

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