Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Reiterates Psak Against Women Serving in the IDF

seliyahuTzfas Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu has sent a letter to dati leumi “Ulpana” high schools to highlight his psak halacha prohibiting women from serving in the IDF. The rav instructs the schools not to cooperate in any way with organizations seeking to get females to serve, adding these organizations are spreading lies.

Rav Eliyahu stresses the need for the schools to work to direct the young ladies in the correct direction and to a community service in line with a frum lifestyle, a service that will in no way chas v’sholom compromise the kedusha of the women. The rav explains national service must be performed in a torani atmosphere, which the IDF does not offer.

These organizations he explains seek to encourage women to serve in the IDF and such a service is not conducive to the women maintaining the lifestyle they are accustomed to. “To my sorrow, military service is unsuited for Jewish women” adds Rav Eliyahu.

The rav stresses schools must not open their doors to organizations seeking to encourage women to serve in the military and they may not cooperate with such organizations in any way.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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