Mazel Tov! YWN Introduces Revamped Features – YWN Simchas

UntitledYWN has always had a simcha section where more than 10,000 simchas have been listed. However after 9 successful years of breaking important and crucial news to the global Jewish community, we have totally updated and redesigned the Simchas page.

Now you can let the ‘Yeshiva World’ know about the latest Simchas in your circles. Instead of making call after call, just post the Simcha HERE and wait for the Mazel Tov’s to come piling in.

An additional feature that we are very excited about is the ability to comment and leave ‘Mazel Tovs’ on the actual Simchas.

The simcha section is conveniently loaded on the YWN homepage, just scroll down – it is located at the end of the news scroll (above the highly successful Video Of Interest section). It can also be accessed by clicking on the “Simchas” button at the top of the homepage.

Thanks for your constant readership and may we all be blessed to fill the YWN Simchas page!


2 Responses

  1. mazel tov on the mazel tov site! may we be zoiche to fill it, and fill it, and fill it with many many simchas, be”H!
    thanks, ywn!!

  2. I want to say thank you we have misaskim who do a great job with aveilim and its about time we have a forum to be happy for other peoples simchas

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