Teaching the 4 Parshios

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

Included in this article is an eight minute video that can assist a teacher in presenting the 4 parshios.

The 4 parshios that come before the month of Nissan are somewhat difficult to teach. There are a number of factors that contribute to this:

  1. Many students are, unfortunately, unfamiliar with what goes on in shul.
  2. Many are unfamiliar with the terms “maftir”, “seven aliyos”, haftorah, etc.
  3. The amount of material that needs to be presented is a bit daunting.

What follows is a quick video that can possibly assist teachers in presenting the material.  It can be shown from 6th grade through 12th grade (and for adults too).

To best present it, the following suggestions are humbly presented:

  1. Watch it once through.
  2. When you present it – pause when you fell it is necessary to add your further explanations.
  3. Involve and engage students.  Ask, “So what did we just say?”
  4. It is also possible for the students to figure out when each of the four parshios are to be read if it is pasued and reviewed.


the author can be reached at [email protected]


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