People cross an improvised path under a destroyed bridge while fleeing the town of Irpin close to Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, March 7, 2022.Russia announced yet another cease-fire and a handful of humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to flee Ukraine. Previous such measures have fallen apart and Moscow’s armed forces continued to pummel some Ukrainian cities with rockets Monday. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)


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159 Responses

  1. Ukraine has a bloody history in the murder of Jews all the way through the Holocaust. They shot dead masses of Jews in the most brutal way. No mercy on Ukraine. Go Putin go. Revenge the blood of our people.

  2. True Rats,
    But, that’s no reason to allow Putin to have Ukraine.
    1st- Putin is just as bad/ worse than the Ukrainians.
    2nd- If Putin takes of Ukraine- where will he go next?
    3rd (and most important)- there are Jews in Ukraine that are in danger because of this war.

  3. Rats Rats DemocRATs: At this point though, the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine are probably safer with no war. Jews have always gotten caught in between during wars. True, Putin isn’t known to be especially anti-Semitic, but he definitely isn’t putting Jewish needs before his power-hungry ambitions.

  4. Well, it’s definitely World War three as Belarus I hear is also participating in the attack on Ukraine. I wonder if Any of the European countries would get involved on the ground as well. So far just talk & talk and Putin knows that no one wants to fight Russia.

  5. At the risk of being labeled ant-American or worse by the lunatic supporters of brainless Brandon, it’s time for them to face the truth.

    For the past year, this drooling dolt has presided over resurgent COVID, Afghanistan ruled by the Taliban, rampant violent crime, uncontrolled anti-Semitism, rising anarchy, invading illegal immigrants, spiraling inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, supply chain mayhem and more. Now, the laughably weak, non-performance of our napping commander-in-chief has resulted in a tyrant brazenly attacking a neighboring country and possibly even wider conflict.

    The blame for this growing pile of disasters lies squarely with the incontinent occupant of the Oval Office, his inept handlers and his screwball apologists. So stop blaming past Presidents, Congress, political parties and your mother-in-law for this mess. Stop disparaging other Jews with Goebbels playbook propaganda just because they disagree with your warped sense of reality. Stop twisting Torah into a pretzel to support the deviant political views that define your made-up version of Judaism. Stop taking your frustrations out on others and start seeing your therapists again; they miss you!

  6. While I watch UN nations emergency meeting it clearly shows that the whole organization is waste of money and can not do anything. It’s funny that the President of the security cabinet is a rep of Russia, and while I hear all the countries reps I find it very similar to the usual anti-Israel statements. While of course I don’t support Putin’s attack, those UN reps for a change have a new enemy but don’t forget they are not our friends.

  7. Why the US care about Ukraine’s territorial integrity when we can’t protect our own?
    This is going to cause gas prices to go up along with food. Let Russia have it. All we can do is daven for the jews in Ukraine.

  8. @Rats Rats DemocRATs are you mentally sick? You know what you are talking. I barley heard such a BS….
    Good to see the behavior of same American Jews towards their follow Jews in danger….. I hope you are flying now to Russia and fight for “your Putin”…. THE UCRANIAN PRESIDENT IS JEWISH, VITALI KLITSCHKO CITY MAJOR OF KYIV GRANDMOTHER IS JEWISH, WOLODYMYR HROJSMAN PREMIER MINISTER OF UCRANIA IS JEWISH……. many of the Oligarchs nowadays Jews from Ucrania, Names: Mikhail Fridman, Victor Pinchuk….

    And take history book and look for Stalin, then you will see how much Jews blood is on the hand of Russians

  9. From a NATO country’s perspective, this a disaster. A fledgling democracy is being crushed under the bootheel of a former KGB agent-turned dictator.
    From a Jewish history perspective, they deserve each other.
    That said, the soil of pretty much every country in Europe is soaked in Jewish blood, so the same could be said if this were Germany or Spain or France. They can all go to hell, honestly.

  10. Jews should have come home….Putin is a much better person than Zalenko…who married a gentile…..Ukraine, had and has no empathy for Jews and is a balagan of a nation….you are first and foremost to save your life….if they remain outside of Israel their goals are for Money and not life

  11. 147, it can’t be the war of Gog, the king of Magog, against Eretz Yisrael, because the Ukraine is not Eretz Yisrael. This is a war between goyim, just as they have always had, and not against us.

    The Ukranians certainly deserve it, and Putin is at least as big an ohev yisrael as our beloved Franz Josef was, so the only danger to the Jews is the same as that to anyone in time of war. So if our concern is their safety then we should pray that it should be over soon, which means that Russia should succeed quickly and the Ukranians should stop resisting. Because that’s the only way the war can be short.

  12. ukrainians were known to be the most brutal during WWII all the guards in concentration camps in Poland werent Poles they were either Germans or Ukrainians the latter which VOLUNTEERED while the Germans were consripted. In Ukraine itself Jews were killed in very barbaric fashions to inflict maximum suffering and torture all by Ukrainians.

  13. The Ukrainians have a bad history with Klal Yisroel, true. But the Russians are suddenly tzadikim?
    Please; Tucker Carlson may be on our side in many issues, but he’s not Torah MiSinai.

  14. Stolen also killed Jews sending them to Siberia and collaborated with the Nazis until Hitler turned against him, and he was left with only one choice, to fight.

  15. Stalin was NOT Russian he was a Georgian. Biden cant protect American borders so why is he so concerned with Ukraines borders, does this have something to do with Hunter Biden getting $85,000 per MONTH from Ukraine?

  16. If you’re arguing about whose ancestors of two sides in a war were worse to Jews historically, maybe you should just support war generally?

  17. What exactly do people have against Putin? He’s a thug who is being a good leader. This is not the 80’s with the US against the USSR. He’s not our problem these days, so why do we need to get involved? Speaking politically. Of course it’s not good that Jews are stuck in the middle.

  18. I’m going to suggest that maybe poster #2 above is a Russian troll. Who knows, but this site is visible and available to the whole world and Russian agents do stuff like that all the time. Appearing to have Jewish support would help Putin’s narrative that he is trying to “de-nazify” Ukraine. Don’t bite the bait. We all have our opinions but our only interest as a people is that there should be peace and that Jews in both Russia and Ukraine should be safe and well.

  19. @Realy Confused thank you! Finally somebody who have seen a history book from inside!
    Stalin killed 3,5 Million people 100 years ago. Because of that and the great anti-Semitism many fled to the middle east, today known today as Israel….

    For “Jewish” Putin supporters, its time to say goodbye to:

    – Vizhnitz ( Ucrania)
    – Belz (Ucrania)
    – Baal Schem tov (Ucrania)
    – Uman (Ucrania)
    – Skver (Ucrania)
    – …… you can continue this list could be continued indefinitely

    All of this for Jews historical places are located in Ucraina. Jews visited it en masse!!

    For sure the Russian occupation forces will take care of it……

    The grave hopping in East Europe is over!

  20. Jews are safer in Moscow than in NYC, where every other day a Jew is attacked by thugs and not caught, in Moscow the last physical attack on a Jew was in 2014 and the perp is sitting in Siberia.

  21. The territory of the Ukraine historically is Russian, and Russian historic title to that territory is pretty old, not as old as Yisroel’s historic title to Yisroel, but at least it similarly predates international law as we know it today, which probably is a good reason to rely on a claim to claim the territory based on the intertemporal principle at some point in the future. Anyway, perhaps if Yisroel were to claim its territory based on a historic title and to support a similar Russian claim to the Ukraine (or a similar Chinese claim to the South China Sea), Yisroel would find better allies in the future. But, in the meantime, if the Amerikan client state that supports abominations, tortures Yiddin for attempting mitzvos, and that appropriated the name “Israel” takes issue with a Russian “occupation” of the Ukraine, don’t be surprised if Russia disputes their occupation of the Golan. Makes sense they would. In any case, the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk (and the Republic of Crimea that existed for a day in 2014 before Russian annexation) are no less legit than the Republic of Texas, which Amerika later annexed. It was the exact same move in international law except on a shorter time frame. The only reason the Ukraine exists as a country today is because of a decision made in the centralized Soviet Union for purely administrative reasons, not anticipating implications of the unforeseen breakdown of the Soviet Union. It’s totally arbitrary that it exists. The bulk of its population today is Russian. Most ancestors of the “Ukrainians” that committed pogroms against Yiddin there in the 19th Century died in a famine in the 1950’s that Stalin orchestrated, so really not worth holding a grudge at this point. The Ukrainian state, which should have never existed, at least sided with Russia for most of its short-lived history, up until Amerika supported a coup a few years ago to install a pro-western puppet, who like all Amerikan client regimes supports abominations, jails political opposition, tortures dissidents, commits assassinations. I don’t care if Zelensky technically is Jewish, that just makes matters worse, like bad PR for Yisroel…. Similarly bad PR, the state that appropriated the name “Israel” has helped to arm the pro-Ukrainian militia “Azov Battalion”, which claims to be a neo-Nazi group, and despite that its members are too stupid take issue with aid from the “Israel”, just like ISIS got support from “Israel” and ISIS members similarly were too stupid to realize their organization is effectively controlled by their own supposed enemies… The war highlights the incompetency and corruption of the west, which is good. If you look at it just purely on like a Noahide law adherence/breach calculus, things will be more justified under Russian than as a western client Ukraine. Lastly, trips to gravesites in the Ukraine probably will be cheaper if it goes Russian.

  22. Still the British are standing fully behind Ukraine. The British Prime Minister, Barmy Boris, has announced a slew of the most severe sanctions. As an anonymous British diplomat explained, the Russian oligarchs, five of whom have been personpppally sanctioned by Her Majesty’s Government are people who indulge in an International life style including shopping in London’s Harrods store and staying in London’s finest hotels. Well all this is going to stop. See that will bring Mr. Putin, we Brits will no longer call him President the same way as our own Duke of York has been ostracized for his despicable behaviour and had his titles taken away, it will bring this naughty, nay very naughty Mr. Putin begging for forgiveness and expressing his sincere support for the underprivileged of the world, and he will pay a personal fine of massive proportions, even more than Andrew had to borrow from Mummy. There, that will teach him a lesson he will never forget.

  23. I’m suspecting this Schmendrick is also a Russian troll, based on the fact that I have never met a Jew,even the most fervent anti Zionist, who believes that Israel was controlling ISIS (this has long been a cornerstone of Iranian propaganda), and based on the fact that he thinks that America is spelled with a K instead of a C.

  24. I really do not have time for this nonsense. It doesn’t concern me in the least possible way.

    My priorities are:

    1) Ensuring that CRT is studied in every American school.
    2) Deciphering the latest addition to the alphabet.
    3) Demanding that correct pronouns be used for the for the newest letter’s representatives.
    4) Pushing for reparations for those who never worked a day in their lives, either as slaves, or as free men.
    5) Setting the ultimate bail reform – immediately setting every criminal free after giving them a sum of money to sustain him, thus preventing his next offense.

    I am also studying which statues must be torn down and which building and streets should be renamed.

    I have also put my full concentration behind banning plastic bags and straws, and to allow every transformer to use the bathroom of their choice.

    I am doing this because I am proud American of Democratic persuasion.

  25. I’m not familiar with Iranian or Russian propaganda narratives, but my guess is if they claimed ISIS was foreign controlled, it must have a basis. Similarly, right now, there are fears that a bunch of Islamic sleeper cells in Russia like Chechnya will be triggered to start blowing up busses and whatnot. That’s the way the Amerikan terrorist regime operates. They covertly controls a bunch of foreign extremist groups or abominable color revolutionaries to do dirty work whenever it serves Amerikan interests, their group leaders are puppets, and group members are too stupid to know the difference. I mean, it works a lot of the time. If Amerika or the Ukrainian state or the state that appropriated the name “Israel” had the moral high ground, trust me, I would support them. It would have made my life more convenient if they had so. No one paid me to develop my opinions as I have. It has been a natural progression from having a critical mind, a Torah-based (or Noahide-based with respect to them) moral compass, having conducted independent research, and having avoided affiliation with any institution with agendas that would have compromised my thinking.

  26. Considering that veyizmir registered 2 years ago but has not had a single word to say until today makes me believe he is a russian troll.
    Also , ” I am proud American of Democratic persuasion ” – LOL

  27. The truth is I just support depopulation of heathens, and war helps. If it means throwing support behind the Russian return to the Ukraine, then so be it.

  28. jackk:

    Weren’t you claiming just last week that Putin pulled back from the border and decided to de-escalate the situation because of the valiant efforts of brainless Brandon, the weak, empty headed dolt?

    What happened?

  29. Ukrainian Military Chief: 30 Russian tanks, 130 armored fighting vehicles, 5 aircraft and 6 helicopters destroyed on Thursday.

    Anyone believe that?

  30. I hope that Ukraine gets absolutely destroyed by the Russians because they are amongst the biggest anti-semites and during WWII the Ukrainians yemach shemo murdered thousands of Jews and joined with the Nazis Yemach shemo. Plus even b4 WWII there were massive pogroms in which more thousands of Jews were murdered In Cold blood. So you’d better hope that Ukraine is reduced to nothing but ash.

  31. May Hashem have rachmanos on all of the Yidden that are in danger whether they are in Russia or Ukkraine or anywhere else. Instead of
    commenting we should stop and take a moment to say a kapital Tehillim for all the Yidden in harms way
    may Hashem protect them all.

  32. Stalin killed masses of people. He didnt target the Jews. He was a mass murderer. Absolutely. But who was the first to attack Nazi Germany? RUSSIA. NOT FDR. Putin doesn’t hate Jewa while the Ukranians were hastier and more barbaric than the Nazis in butchering Jews.
    We dont know whats H plan but Ukraine is SOAKED w Jewish blood. Around the Kever of R Nachman, there are mass graves going back to pogrom era.
    The Ukranians wldnt stand up for us. Theyd butcher if they cld. Stop calling Putin a Hitler. Its not good for Jews.
    May H send us peace.

  33. Everyone feeling bad for Ukraine?? Here check this out!!
    Bohdan Khmelnytsky Monument, Kyiv
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky
    Пам’ятник Богданові Хмельницькому
    Киев, памятник Богдану Хмельницкому.jpg
    Coordinates 50°27′13″N 30°30′59″ECoordinates: 50°27′13″N 30°30′59″E
    Location Sophia Square, Kyiv, Ukraine
    Completion date 1888
    Dedicated to Bohdan Khmelnytsky

    Installation of the monument in 1888 and the Church of the Tithes right behind the prospective view

    Side view with the right hand extended towards the “High City” center holding bulawa
    The Bohdan Khmelnytsky Monument (Ukrainian: Пам’ятник Богданові Хмельницькому) is a monument in Kyiv dedicated to Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the first Hetman of Zaporizhian Host. It was built in 1888 – it is one of the oldest sculptural monuments, a dominating feature of Sophia Square and one of the city’s symbols.

    The monument is located almost in the middle of the Sophia Square (formerly the main city’s square) on the axis that unites both belltowers of the Sophia Cathedral and the St.Michael’s Monastery.

    Here on 23 December 1648 residents of Kyiv met Khmelnytsky leading his Cossacks’ regiments by entering the city through the Golden Gates soon after the victory over Polish Army at the battle of Pyliavtsi.

    Get our jewish brothers out and let them fight each other

  34. All men, including Jewish men, are banned from leaving Ucrania . Only women and Kids arriving now on the border in Moldawa, Slovakia and Poland. Jewish blood on Putin hands.

  35. jackk:

    So strength is defined as imposing sanctions that Putin has already anticipated, saying “Let’s have a conversation in another month or so to see if they’re working” and going back to sleep?

    Not seeing much strength there.

  36. The amount of hate, vindictiveness, and callous disregard for basic humanity in these comments is simply staggering. And incredibly dispiriting. So much for ‘light onto the nations’.

  37. If Russia has lost 2,800 Russian troops, 80 tanks, 516 armored vehicles, 10 airplanes and 7 helicopters and the news gets out to the Russian people Putin is in trouble. If the Ukrainians can continue to destroy weapons and kill large numbers of Russian troops Putin may face a rebellion.

  38. And BTW, that NATO bombing campaign has remained controversial. It did not gain the approval of the UN Security Council and it caused at least 488 Yugoslav civilian deaths. Total in that 2 year war over 13,000 died.

  39. None of this really matters to any of us both countries or have plenty of jews blood on their hands הי”ד
    What does matter is that war changes world order which never ends well for the jews that is why חז”ל
    say to daven for the kingdom, even a not good one

  40. Russia has lost 2,800 troops, 80 tanks, 516 armored vehicles, 10 airplanes, and 7 helicopters in its invasion of Ukraine: deputy defense minister.

    Fake news!!! Cmon, not possible

  41. Miriam > Stalin killed masses of people. He didnt target the Jews. He was a mass murderer. Absolutely. But who was the first to attack Nazi Germany? RUSSIA

    First, killing Jews together with others does not seem like a good middah. FYI, Sanheriv exiled other nations, not just 10 tribes, it was his policy of preventing rebellions, copied by Stalin when he deported nations, like Crimean Tatars. Please find me where chachamim use this caveat on Sanheriv and I’ll listen the.

    2, Stalin did not attack Nazis, he partnered with them to start WW2. In 1939-40, he attacked Poland together with Germans, Lita and Latvia according to their agreement, Finland and Bessarabia against their agreement, I recall. Then, Hitler betrayed Stalin and attacked.

  42. Talk about history. There isn’t an inch of the entire Europe that isn’t soaked with Jewish blood. England France Germany Austria Spain Portugal Greece Turkey Poland Ukraine Hungary. The list goes on and on. It’s called Eretz Hadomoim.

  43. It’s amazing how many mental midgets are posting here!
    Guess being Jewish doesn’t automatically make you smart!
    Then again, Jewish arrogance seems to make people think that they are smart!

  44. I recognize the historic title of the one Chinese state to Taiwan too. Just wanted to get that out there. Like, looks like Amerikans have learned appeasement well.

  45. Every normal person here in Boro park I speak to supports Putin. They understand how Ukraine murdered Jews by shooting women and children in open graves with one body piled on another. A chutzpah from any yid to oppose Putin and side with Biden. A real chutzpah.

  46. a real chutzpa rat? if ukrain was only a kiddie pool of blood russia was an oliympic size pool and russia wanted to harm are neshomos

  47. Do “we” really know what it’s all about? Of course the Ukrainians of yesteryear were butchers. But that’s not the reality right now.
    All we really do know is that there are nearly 200,000 Jews in the Ukraine who are in trouble. They deserve our sympathy, money and teffilos.

  48. The number of 200 thousand Jews in Ukraine is highly exaggerated. A conservative estimate was about 43 thousand. Most are not orthodox and many many are intermarried unfortunately. Most of the authentic Jews have left for safety. Putin is not anti Jewish. He is our friend. If he takes over Ukraine he will replace the chief rabbis with one of his own. He knows what he is doing. Mumbling bumbling Biden is sleeping in the white house basement. The reason the DemocRATs hate Russia and even were talking about attacking them five years ago was because they oppose immoral same gender marriages. Hillarey on Friday herself stated this in an interview this past Friday.

  49. @Rats Rats DemocRATs one reason more to support the current Israeli government, including Liberman……..

    The last time Jews were murdered in the territory of todays Ukraine, it was called SOVIET UNION and the country was invaded by Nazis, similar act to what did Russia on Thursday……..

    Sometimes looking inside a history book helps….. I know you have them to in America, even in Boro Park….

    If you dont know where to purchase a history book in Boro Park I can give you adress… least internet you use……

  50. Do we really think this entire war is just coincidence or are finally ready to wake ourselves up and face reality and openly admit to Hashem for his direct wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP?

    The choice is ours and completely in our hands. There’s no one to blame but ourselves when this entire war could’ve been avoided if we would just stop living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together

  51. Rats: “Every normal person here in Boro park I speak to supports Putin.” Because your definition of “normal” is someone who agrees with you, I assume.

  52. Even if Putin has done some good things up to this point, I think threatening to nuke America should disqualify him from our support. It’s very nice that Putin opposes to’eiva marriages, but so did Osama bin Laden and the Ayatollah of Iran, so obviously that’s not the only criteria we should use in deciding who to support.

  53. The bottom-right box in the flight illustrations posted at 16:59 should read “London to Tokyo”, not the reverse, because the matching top-right box and also the map, both describe the flights from London to Tokyo, not the reverse.

  54. @Rafi Cohen – BTW you can google it Ukraine is not so naiv and innocent. They celebrate a holiday once a year where they make a doll that looks like a jew- yarmelka, peyes, tzitzis…. and they all stab it burn it…. Yemachshemam vezichram so if your saying Putin is wrong? Maybe from a political perspective but veiwing this war as a yid these Ukrainians deserve it!!!!!!

  55. @A Lamdin I dont need google. I was in Ukraine not so long ago. I know this country very well as well as Russia 😉

    I am with you. You right this is a problem. but you don’t have this problems in Berlin, Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam, Malmo, Milano, London, New York? Anti-Semitism is a global problem. Hate against us everywhere. If you hate the Ukrainians because of anti Semitism, than you need to hate the whole world.

    Google: Belgium anti Semitism carnival – this is in middle of west Europe

    I am angry too about it and unfortunately my family not grow up in Flatbush, Boro Park, Monsey or Lakewood. Trust my we suffered a lot from it. We immigrated even to a more wealthy country and even Jewish people treat us like garbage and making jokes about our origin….. What you want more, your own people?! (I am not the only one, this happened many others there too!)

    However, never ever, doesn’t matter how much anger and hate I have inside me against these people, let your hate win. Hate leads to nothing and not bring you one inch further in life.
    Support war or violence against innocent children and women. That means your hate takes over.

    Look, since WWII most parts in the western world, including the US!, lived in peace and most of us having a good life. Furthermore, our children could at least grow up without need to fight in battlefield. I personally think that is a disgrace for a parent to send his kid to battle? Is it nice? Friends of mine, all Jewish and married to Jewish women thinking of going fight in Ukraine, young fathers with up to 3-5 children…. What we will tell this Jewish kids when they are grow up ? Can we look in the future in their eyes?

    I don’t need to tell you, that the well being of our future are in hands of the Ukrainians and Europeans, right? When Ukraine fall, what fall what’s next? Poland? Germany? Romania? Nuclear war? You want this? Russian Intercontinental with a nuclear warhead can reach everything with 11000 km (7000 meiles)…

  56. Right, what I’m saying is that even according to their laws, he has an argument for superior title to the Ukraine, even if it hasn’t been claimed yet. I haven’t yet finished reading up on historic titles. I like to talk you the intertemporal principle. It would take a while to explain my views. Anyway, dinim is irrelevant with respect to sovereign states being obligated to hold to international law. Dinim is relevant to having prohibitions on doing abominable acts, which the Ukraine puppet regime doesn’t have or rather probably has legalized and encourages. All I meant bringing in Noahide laws and calculus regarding their fulfillment is that it’s a helpful way to measure relative justifiability of nations. So, it is easy to assume that that territory would be more morally justified if under Russia, relatively speaking.

  57. the Ukrainians were the most vicious in WWII talk to any Holocaust survivor who will say they laughed while torturing Jews more so than Germans.

  58. Putin has chose his moment truly shrewdly surely. He had concluded the West is run by feminine driven wimpish rainbow pushing nowadays , and he dared them to come try to stop him now..

    Is Putin so wrong? He called the West for what it is

    An Old cold warrior

  59. Dinim is one of Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach – to follow the rule of law

    Supposed to be satire? Ho ho ho
    the obligation first and foremost that non-jews have the incumbent Upon them to enforce those who scoff at the 7
    Mitzvos – the West

    Really going to try that croc over here ?

    the British spy Chief could State last week the signal difference between Russia and the present West is promotion of LGBT

  60. As pointed out in the rather esteemed conservative editorial outlet the Federalist, a large percentage of right-leaning Americans have greater disgust from the oligarchic elite of their own country than they have of Putin or at least to bother with him.

  61. On The Other Hand
    It is not about Ukraine, but it is about bringing down the United States as a world power.

    On Thursday during Moscow’s early morning hours, President Putin made a nationally televised address.

    In his speech, Putin made abundantly clear that the battle now raging in Ukraine is no more about Kyiv than Pickett’s charge was about control of Gettysburg.

    This invasion is just the opening shot in a new Cold War with the goal of bringing the U.S. down, hobbling NATO and undermining democracy everywhere

  62. i think some people here need things cleared up:
    1) whilst Ukraine have been terrible to jews in the past, you cant be happy for whats happening to them. Rashi says “dont hate the Egyptians… because they were your hosts.” Ukraine was a peaceful home for yidden for 700 years before anything bad happened. you dont have to feel bad for them but you cant be happy about it.
    2) putin is an absolute rasha who would kill millions without a second thought and G-d willing he will stand down. anyone who thinks hes a good person is crazy

  63. To all those who spoke out here in support of Russia’s war with Ukraine: Putin’s troops are bombing Babi Yar in Kyiv. They kill the Jews lying there a second time. Shame on your heads Putin fans

  64. YWN, your last video seems to be Ukrainians reservists taken prisoners’ by Russians not the other way around as you most of other videos.

  65. ” Ukraine was a peaceful home for yidden ”
    Largely because the Ukrainian ancestors were barely in control and usually one form of underclass or another but dangerous

  66. “putin is an absolute rasha ”
    what’s your basis ? is he dangerous /Sinister ? sure
    You people get so overturned by The Tempest of momentary flashes
    the terms flying over here over the top and well be used for many of politicians on this side of the Divide unless of course all you care is revelling in hedonism probably

  67. chaim galpert this is why we need to teach history in yeshivas, Ukrainians created the pogrom, gezeira tach vtat happend because Khmelnitsky killed 90% of Jews in Ukraine, the Cossacks are the old name for Ukrainian hardly a “peaceful home” for 700 years.

  68. The bottom line is Putin is going to finish this one way or the other. If He can’t have it He will let none have it, He will destroy it all! Hopefully one of His closest will do the Deed for us all! Hopefully many of you have learned from this & move away from the Democrapic Party. They put us in this energy corner, they funded Putins projects by using his oil instead of our own.

  69. cv

    Get your facts straight. Putin is NOT bombing Babi Yar and shame on you for falling for the anti putin fake news propaganda being spewed by zelensky. The Russians aimed for the Ukrainian TV tower nearby and had no intention whatsoever of hitting babi yar

  70. I’m trying to send message to Putin. I called Soviet mission today. Very important they bomb the statue of khmelnytsky who killed 300 thousand Jews. The statue is in Kiev. Mr Putin if you do that you have a share in the eternal reward in the afterlife. The blood of 300 thousand Jews is shouting for justice. Many children sliced up by the Ukrainian Cossacks.

  71. A few A10 Warthogs will help them tremendously. Those planes were able to slice up Rows of Tanks in the 2 Iraq wars.

  72. Let me guess…the commentors here who support putin are the same people who have children books by that guy who killed himself awhile ago…no sense of morality!

  73. Look, Kiev is Russian. We no longer can argue de facto. De jure, you’re welcome to argue with me. There are several bases of claims it’s Russian. First, historic title from long ago, intertemporal principle, not even worth speaking out. Also, the Republic of Crimea declared independence and was annexed to Russia in the same way that the Republic of Texas declared independence and was annexed to Amerika, it just occurred over a day rather than a decade. The way Russia has defended the territorial integrity of the more recently created Donetsk People’s Republic or the Luhansk People’s Republic is just as justified as Amerika would have thought it would be to defend territorial integrity of the Ukraine if it were ever a NATO member. With its return to the Russian borderland, Russia is subverting the entire perverted system of public international law that developed in the west, like they’re literally making jokes about it with state actions. That I think is good for Yiddin too. If the state in Yisroel was smart, they would have arranged to take the bones out ahead of time cuz it is a waste for Yiddin from Yisroel to travel to Uman each year and so that no one besides Yiddin ever make a Besht clone. Zelensky could do a reality TV show from a beachfront in Ashkelon or Ashdod, something like Real Deposed Coup Political Actors, Season 1.

  74. Seriously, they should make a TV show out about deposed Ukrainian Jewish oligarchs all living on the beach in Ashkelon or Ashdod. I think the less real it seems, the better. Like, Vladislav Surkov type stuff, people are default complacent because they don’t actually know what’s happening because conflicts seem fabricated in a way that’s like avant gard art.

  75. Like, not sure dinim of the Chukos Bnei Noach applies to public national law like to obligate sovereign states in armed conflict. I just want to say that the three oaths were good advise to any nation under Roman-like occupation. Was good advice under Amerikan puppet coup. Now, if the Ukraine now is under Russian occupation, then it makes sense not to go up as a line, i.e., not to enter the territory as a military formation, i.e. not to invade, or to rebel against the occupant, lest Russia reciprocates proportional military administration. Makes sense.

  76. The only difference is that Russia is not like Rome. Russia isn’t an occupant. The Ukraine belongs to Russia. So, that’s a bad analogy. In any case, good advise not to rebel against Russian return to the Ukraine.

  77. If they’re lucky, all member of the Azov Battalion and similar foreign-backed military groups will just sell their Israel-made or Amerikan or European materiel good price black market like the KMT did as they lost the mainland of China and this be over soon, leak info to public in time to drive down market for upcoming fed meeting so interests rates near zero, okay?

  78. Mr. Rats, did you know there is a prominent bridge over the Moscow River named after Khmelnitsky ym”sh? He is revered in Russia because in addition to murdering hundreds of thousands of Jews, he took Ukraine out of Polish control and transferred it to the Tzar ym”sh. If you would only learn a little history, you might have know this, and you might also have k own that the Soviet Union hasn’t existed for a while. And if you would only learn a little Torah you might realize that it probably takes more to get into olam haba than bombing a useless statue.

  79. @RatsRatsDemocRATs While you are using a time machine to call the Soviet mission, I’ve got a list of things I’d like to change in the past.

  80. Seems like some posters are beyond helping in their support of dictators. I wonder – do you wear russian flag symbols when you walk around your neighborhood? please let us know how other Yidden are recting to that and in what areas. I am really curious.

    To clarify some historical references: the Russian word “pogrom” does not mean local (ukranian) peasants deciding to do violence to their Jewish neighbors. No, it means violence that is organized and supported by the (Russian) government. That is why there is no defense against that violence. If Jews would fight with them, they’ll be arrested by the government. Also, Soviet/Russian government destroyed everything religious in last century – Rabbis, shuls, … Chofetz Chaim was able to run away from Soviet Belorussia to Poland and later thought that he was wrong – as he felt he abandoned Jews remaining behind iron curtain.

  81. wackyway – All my family starting from my great-grandfather came from Kiev. My sister and her family live in Kiev now. I still have friends in Kiev. So, I do not need Zelenskiy to tell me what’s going on in Kiev.
    I could not care less if Russians had or had not intention to hit the Babi Yar, but they did. They damaged TV tower nearby the Babi Yar and damage was done to the Babi Yar as well. Did you ever lived in Russia under Putin regimen? Would you like to live in Russia with Putin as a president? I have family in Moskow also and I do not need the newspaper to tell me about life there

  82. As Orthodox Jews here in Brooklyn who know the score we support Putin. Ukraine is soaked with Jewish blood. Putin hates nazis that’s why he declared war on Ukraine. I pray three times a day that Ukraine should be taken over by Putin.

  83. I have a lot of political opinions, but I’m not yet sure if they’re correct yet because I haven’t yet learned all of chazal, and they might change if I were to learn all of chazal, so I think I’m going to go back to learning instead of voicing my views, okay?

  84. What fools so 6es Ukraine has a bloody history and what about Russia? Are you that stupid to look at the history of one and ignore the history of the other ? How many Russians killed jews that were fighting with them against the nazis ? How stupid are you ? Like the fellow who won’t vote Trump because he is immoral and does he not vote for democrats who are much worse? What forms your opinion? Your foolish agenda?

  85. Ok, I’ll just speak out my opinion as it stands before I finish all words of chazal, since it has changed. I think any state that legalizes prohibitions of bnei Noach might be fair game for war for being in breach of their dinim obligation, the whole state, like all of Schem was fair game according to the Rambam. I also think notzrus is avodah zarah prohibited even to bnei Noach like the Rambam. So, I take issue with any state that has a Romanisch state cult. It’s that simple. Even if the Amerikan puppet regime supports abominations for their occupied peoples, if the Russian Orthodox Church is a Romanisch cultish, then both sides in the conflict are fair game, so why should I oppose war there? I don’t know how to calculate which side is worse, but if both sides are unjustified, who cares if there is a war there?

  86. Fun fact:
    Ukraine didn’t exist independently until the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was Congress Poland during Khmelnitsky’s time, even during the Holocaust.
    So all those who blame Ukrainians for “the Ukrainian Hitler” need to learn basic geography.
    (Poland is another story.)

  87. Here we all are commenting {myself included}about Russia and Ukraine, about how bad the situation there is
    and it’s true they are really going through some really tough times were ”spoiled” we see from here that Hashem gives us so many things on a regular basis we have food, clothing, shelter, family, and much more therefore we have to be thankful to Hashem for what we have and not chas v’shalom take anything for granted because yidden there are lacking so many things.

  88. I think the reason the Ukraine under the coup that existed there from 2014, if there’s anything to its merit, it is that under duress abominations were forced upon them, like at a shas hashmad of them. Like, Amerika was in effective control of a client state / puppet regime occupation of “the Ukraine” since the revolution that overthrew Petro Poroshenko, and like in all its client states / puppet regimes / occupied territories it pursued policies like those in NSM-200 to depopulate them, like a לְמַעוֹטֵי נׇכְרִים דְּלָא לַיְתֵי עֲלַיְיהו mitzvah to Rebbi Yehudah by a variety of pop control measures among them pushing abominations sort of situation. And, that is all justified as like a war against those occupied peoples, since they already were in breach of chukos bnei Noach. So, that was fine I guess, except that Russia, which has superior public international legal claims to title of the territory (actually more than I’ve listed here) and which now effectively controls all strategic locations in the territory and which has better cumulative moral credit score in any territory it effectively controls relative to Amerika, despite Russia actively supporting and permitting certain abominations like the idolatry of a largely abandoned anti-Yisroel Romanisch cult, is relatively more justified in the Ukraine than the Amerikan puppet regime that occupied there since 2014. That’s my position. I’m sticking to it. I’m just amending it to say in stronger terms that I am not opposed to a form of warfare that involves Amerikan occupied territories legalizing abominations under duress as part of a global depopulation initiative, just as long as it doesn’t affect me personally in any way, and bearing in mind that occupation in such ways may force those peoples being shmadded to lose confidence in their occupiers and to actually look for alternatives. Russia in the Ukraine and China in Taiwan and the South China Sea makes more sense than occupation via Amerikan puppet regimes there.

  89. Make sure You don’t make a mistake again & be sure to vote for Zeldin! Get off the Democrapic Plantation will ya!

  90. Since I worry now the feds will cease assets of dissidents, I’ll just say now my comments end here (besides one final comment that Russia could claim of mutual error or rebus sic stantibus regarding the “treaty” in the centralized Soviet Union that partitioned the Ukraine from Russia for purely administrative purposes, except that the west obvi only cares about international law when it serves their interests), so please don’t steal my car, feds, okay?

    I actually read most of the comments. We need to focus on our brothers that are stuck in Ukraine. For right now it’s irrelevant what Ukraine did during World War 2. We need to help our brothers escape Ukraine. These discussions about Russia & Ukraine is not for now.
    ——–Chazal said many times that when there is peace amongst the Jewish nation, none of our brothers will get hurt even slightly and even during a war. The first proof to this amazing Chazal is the story of the King Achav. He went to war and everyone returned safely. During that generation, everyone got along with each other amongst the Jewish nation.
    Here in the comment section, please do not post a comment that can possibly hurt the feelings of another Yid. In that merit of trying to be super careful and to try very hard not to hurt the feelings of another Yid, Hashem will quickly and safely take out the Jewish people from Ukraine.

  92. Rats, who appointed you to be the spokesman for all of the Orthodox Jews of Brooklyn? Was there an election? Or is it that you are known as such a great tzaddik and lamdan? (In which case I would ask that you please get back to the beis medrash and start davening and learning for us instead of wasting your time writing comments on YWN) . But if none of these are the case, please speak for yourself and not for other people.

  93. If I were a Ukrainian citizen and resident, if I hadn’t done so already, I’d probably travel one-way to the EU country where I’d mind the least getting stuck in the long term.

  94. Let me state the facts.
    Ukraine has a bloody history against Jews dating through the Holocaust.
    In Rabbi Weins book he describes how Ukrainians skinned Jews alive and threw their bodies to the dogs.
    This past Friday I saw pictures how the Russians killed two dogs belonging to a Ukrainian. I would say these two dead dogs are decedents of those dogs that attacked the Jews.
    Putin is really a great lover of the Jews. It’s a fact. The funny part is he knows more about yiddishkeit and Torah than Ukraine’s assimilated president who is married to a shiksa and is a meshumed as well. Now he is in trouble so he is crying out for Jews to protest for him. First let him divorce his goyta wife. Putin loves Orthodox Jews. Read up and learn about his life. You will be amazed. The only reason the DemocRATs long ago wanted war with Russia is because they are the last superpower that oppose gay marriage. Even the witch of witches Hillarey stated that in a recent interview. This war is about the good verses evil. On one side you have most Orthodox Jews,President Putin and decent people verses Nazi type Ukrainians and their cohorts. All of the European Israel haters. Go Putin Go
    Revenge the blood of our people. May you be blessed.

  95. WINKIN BLINKIN: “We have proof that Putin may have committed war crimes”,
    SO Do WE, We’ve been looking at it every day on TV you fools!

  96. נ נח, אם אתה מאמין שיכולין לקלקל, תאמין שיכולין לתקן

    I just want to say that even if the Russian Orthodox Churches have getchkes, and even if their Flavian books are Roman propaganda originally intended to legitimate the Roman occupation of Judea and to acculturate Judeans or to destroy them, basically hashmad stuff, and even if their cult commits what is prohibited even to Noahides according to the Rambam as foreign worship, and even if their belief in a diety that has combined Romanisch qualities with HaShem’s in a way that ought to offend any believer in Torah, I think it deserves mention that the Russian state doesn’t necessarily support the institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church in principle. Rather, they are fronts for the Russian state abroad. They essentially use the fact that the Russian Church owns historic real estate abroad as a way to support Russian interests abroad. In Yisroel, the Russian Orthodox Churches are like Russian bases. It’s the same with like Hare Krishnas abroad. Like, the Russians suspected Amerika of using Hare Krishna as a front for the CIA. I think the Chinese were right to charge Falun Gong practitioners with violation of their national security law. They basically are a CIA cult. There’s pressure on Confucius Institutions in Amerika cuz they’re perceived as Chinese and a bit cultish. Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that it’s arguably a lesser offense if it’s without specific intent. I know there’s a famous gemara tho about a guy who did avodah zarah to an idol in a way that he intended to disgrace the idol and was held liable despite lacking specific intent for idolatry. So, that would go against what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that at least there is a chava amina that specific intent is required, and the Russian state obviously probably doesn’t have specific intent at their foreign institutions to commit idolatry. I personally think it would be justified if they shipped all of their getchkes out of Yisroel but only if it is to destroy them all epically at one central location like in Rome.

  97. Please feel free to disregard all my comments. I support, um, I support the thing, whatever the state of my residence and citizenship is doing.

  98. Hot take:
    As part of Hitler’s invasion of Poland, he took Congress Poland, which is now Ukraine. Hitler lost WWII, and the Soviets got what is now Ukraine.
    In other words, the Soviets only got Ukraine due to Hitler’s occupation.
    Those who support Putin’s goal of restoring Ukraine to Russia unwittingly support Hitler!

  99. Rats – if Putin is such a lover of Jews, why does he support the regime in Iran? And what about all of the Chabad rabbis he expelled in the last few years without explanation? Putin is more tolerant of Jews than many of his predecessors, but don’t confuse toleration with love. He works with Jews when it suits his interests, but he won’t hesitate to cast us to the dogs if he believes it is to his benefit.

    Also, this business of calling all of today’s Ukrainians antisemites and holding them responsible for the crimes of their ancestors sounds a lot like the Democrats when they say that all of today’s white Americans are racist and are responsible for slavery and segregation. It’s surprising argument to hear from someone who seems to be so against Democrats.

    Finally, I think Zelensky may have the din of a tinok shenishba, given that he grew up in the Soviet Union with no Torah, in which case one should be careful about speaking loshon hora about him.

  100. And now, while smug, comfortable Jews in America sit and criticize Zelensky for not being frum enough, our frum brothers who actually decided to do something about it by going to Ukraine and showing our Ukrainian brothers the beauty of Yiddishkeit, they are fleeing for their lives from the bombs of Putin, the “lover of Jews.”

  101. Who do you think allows Israel to bomb continuously Iranian weapons in Syria. Yes Putin. If not for Putin then Iran could bring in nuclear missiles at Israel’s borders. Every normal Jew I speak to supports Putin. Comparing whites today as slave owners where there are no blacks old enough to be a slave,to Holocaust atrocities of a generation ago is ridicules. Ukraine soil is soaked with jewish blood and so are it’s rivers of the Jews they drowned. A secular jew asked me why this is all happening. I explained that as we near the coming of the messiah this will happen to every nation that hurt Jews. Notice that our enemies kill each other throughout the world if you observe carefully even among the Arabs.

  102. To Aseh Maat ve emor harbe:
    I like most of the things you wrote. One thing that you mentioned, I am not sure if you are correct.
    The subject if the average Ukrainian is an antisemite. Obviously their grandfathers, most of them who lived during WW two, they were real aggressive antisemites. It is human nature that a grand child will have some antisemitism in his blood. Does he deserve to be killed? No No No

  103. Nice work BRANDON! Yur blaming the Ruskie invasion for Fuel & Oil being more than double since You took office. You say we only get 5% from the Ruskies so where did the other 95% increase come from?

  104. Boycott all these anti-white & anti-Jewish TV personalities, you know who they are. They call us cracker, Karens, terrorists, Supremacists & many other names. It’s not that it hurts my feeling but if a white guy would say remarks like that they would be finished for the rest of their life!Also look who are the ones attacking Asians! Wake up America!

  105. just curious as to what happens to the russian anti war demonstrators who get arrested? are the jailed or killed or tortured?

  106. Why blaming Selensky that he married a non Jewish….. if I read the comments here in a Orthodox Jewish newspaper and would not be frum. I would never became!! Shameful, Shameful, Shameful……. Far away from Zadekim…. must likely penguins is the right word… Your penguins dress makes you not more holy! The behavior of some of you is not better than a Jew who marry a “Shikse”!!!! I dont believe that your so beloved Trump would go on the front line with an AK47 in his hand and defend his United States . What Selensky is doing is more than brave!

    YWN why there is no option for uploading pictures and videos to the comments? I would like to upload some my relatives send from Ukraine…. that people here will see the reality !! Putin is a mass murder, like Adolf Hitler!!! Nothing less! And excuse ? his murdering with “In Ukraine there are neo Nazi”. Which country is free of it ? Right, maybe the Fiji´s or Bora Bora….. Racism is problem who goes to every edge of the world…..By the way Ukraine exists since 1991, everyone who complain about their behavior after 1922 and before 1991, the country just not existed….it was called SOVIET UNION! Like State of Israel before 1948 how you call it ? It was Ottoman Empire than British Empire and than called Mandate of Palestine…. Similar story with Ukraine.

  107. OK, so this whole discussion made me curious just how antisemitic are Ukrainians compared to other people. So I found the ADL did a study on this.

    If the study is to be believed, then a little under half of Ukrainians are antisemites, which is more than Russia, where about a third of them are antisemites. It’s actually a higher percentage than any country in Europe except for Armenia, Greece, and Poland. So it seems that Ukraine is still full of antisemitism, though by no means are all of them antisemitic.

    That being said, I don’t think it’s our place to decide what type of punishment the antisemites of the world deserve, that’s Hashem’s business. It’s not appropriate to gloat over others suffering whether deserved or not. Also, lemaaseh, until this war started, modern Ukraine was better to Jews than most western European countries.

  108. This blog is depressing. There is only one side here. A totalitarian leader who is suppressing any protest or dissent decided it will attack a country and murder whoever gets in his way. End of discussion. If you truly believe that this unprovoked war has any legitimacy, you have lost your moral compass. Stop and think. This is a humanitarian disaster. There is no reason or excuse. It doesn’t matter you you like or dislike more. This war is nothing but evil.

  109. The weakness of this Administration & Party could lead to a headline like this, or anything one could fathom……..
    “Putin demands cancellation of Alaska Purchase,
    says Seward & the USA stole it for peanuts… Biden agrees to talk”

  110. To Jackpot, there’s a good mix here, some are just not as wise as us. Others watch those fake news channels or no news at all. Others “Just Don’t Get It!”

  111. “If I read the comments here in a Orthodox Jewish newspaper and would not be frum, I would never became!!”

    – I agree with this statement

    “By the way Ukraine exists since 1991, everyone who complain about their behavior after 1922 and before 1991, the country just not existed….it was called SOVIET UNION! Like State of Israel before 1948 how you call it ? It was Ottoman Empire than British Empire and than called Mandate of Palestine…. Similar story with Ukraine”

    – If Jews on this site instead of making not really nice comments learn history, they will know that Soviet Union and Ukraine are not the same country. They will know that in 1991 Ukraine had first Jewish schools and many shuls, closed by Soviet Union’ government, started opening their doors. And so on.

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