No More Touro College.. Now It’s Touro University

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Dr. Alan Kadish is a renowned cardiologist and internist who is also the current president of Touro University – yes, you read that correctly.  It is now an officially recognized university.  In his announcement of this news (see below), Dr. Kadish began with, “Zeh hayom assah Hashem, nagilah venismecha bo..”

In this author’s opinion, it is an absolutely appropriate way to begin, and here is why.  Like it or not, the fact of the matter is that many of our girls and boys are attending colleges and universities, and, unfortunately, they are being exposed to a very negative anti-Torah environment.  Touro has provided its students – men and women with an environment where they will be given the tools to earn a respectable trade and create Kiddush Hashem in the world.  They have done so in a manner that does not undermine emunah.

The fact that it has now earned university status will only help to ensure that more and more young Jewish men and women will attend an environment that preserves Klal Yisroel’s emunah bashem rather than an educational environmnet hostile to Torah.

Dr. Kadish’s announcement follows:

It is with great joy and gratitude that I share this historic news:

Touro College is now officially Touro University!

The New York State Board of Regents voted to amend our charter to change the college’s corporate name to Touro University as a recognition of our advanced academic standing. Achieving university status is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication on the part of the entire Touro community—our faculty, deans, program directors, staff and students who have elevated, expanded and advanced our outstanding academic offerings. Each and every one of us has contributed to our collective success, maintaining a steadfast commitment to excellence in education, training and service. The recent addition of doctoral-level programs in Jewish studies, psychology and a vast array of medical, dental and other clinical science programs helped us reach this milestone.

I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished together, on the shoulders of our visionary founder, Dr. Bernard Lander of blessed memory, and know that this achievement bodes well for our future. We will soon embark on a University-wide rebranding process that will include an updated logo and signature to unify the image of the programs and schools within Touro University. This effort will not only reflect our new status but also will further strengthen our identity, internally and externally. We anticipate that this transitionary branding phase will be completed in December 2022 as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary Gala.

I will be in touch shortly with additional details and next steps, but I wanted to immediately share this exciting news. Wishing all of you a restful and enjoyable holiday weekend.

Dr. Alan Kadish

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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