TYRANT: Canada’s Trudeau Accuses Jewish Lawmaker of Supporting Nazis [SEE THE VIDEO]

(AP Photo)

Canada’s House of Commons erupted into mayhem on Wednesday after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused a Jewish MP and her colleagues of being supportive of people who are Nazi sympathizers.

During a tense Question Period, Conservative MP Melissa Lantzman, a Jewish woman, blasted Trudeau for characterizing members of the anti-mandate Freedom Convoy as “very often misogynistic, racist, women-haters, science-deniers, the fringe.”

Saying Trudeau is “fanning the flames of an unjustified national emergency,” Lantzman asked, “When did the prime minister lose his way?”

In response, Trudeau said Conservative MPs are supporting Nazis.

“Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag,” he said, causing Conservatives to erupt in protest and forcing the Speaker of the House of Commons to interrupt in an attempt to restore order.

The Speaker also admonished all – including Trudeau – for bringing “inflammatory” language into the discussion.

Later in the Question Period, MP Dane Lloyd tore into Trudeau for his comment.

“Mr. Speaker, I’ve never seen such shameful and dishonorable remarks coming from this prime minister,” Lloyd said. “My great-grandfather flew over thirty missions over Nazi Germany. My great-great-uncle’s body lies at the bottom of the English Channel. There are members of this Conservative caucus who are the descendants of victims of the Holocaust.”

“For the prime minister to accuse any colleague in this House of standing with a swastika is shameful,” he continued. “I’m giving the prime minister an opportunity. I’m calling on him to unreservedly apologize for this shameful remark.”

Trudeau ignored him.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. There is a recent short documentary film showing that Trudeau is an illegitimate child of (the Jew) Fidel Castro. (Based especially by recent journalism by Karen Liebowitcz – search ‘Trudeau – Castro’).

  2. Dear moderator feel free not to post.
    I have no interest in commenting on the details of the article. But I would just like to take the opportunity to commend and praise the Canadian prime minister for taking the plague the seriousness it deserves and following the science as well as the vaccine mandates.

  3. Trudeau is the son of a communist — whether his real father was Pierre or Fidel, it makes no difference — and it’s coming out in him now. What a chutzpah that he accuses others of being fascists, to distract attention from himself, the only fascist in sight. The truckers of the Freedom Convoy are 100% peaceful and patriotic, and are not in any way racist, criminal, or any of the things Brandeau is accusing them of. Those things are found only in his beloved BLM, whose depredations he openly supported. Zol er gein in der erd.

  4. Pervert with perverted face

    1. It is people like her that’s destroying the Conservative Party.
    And a big reason why they couldn’t get a decent leader till now
    O’Toole’s final speech as leader: two directions – alluded to that

    2.Study the Weimar Republic and the Jews and tell her to shut her mouth regarding the Holocaust. It’s those like her that who had a role in causing the Holocaust

    3. Clips like these desensitizes people to the effects and normalizes them. We. Don’t. need her and would be much better off if she’s a Liberal

    4. She and the power brokers cheated to get her her seat. Very shady pushed out orthodox Chani Aryeh-Bain
    And then even more spuriously knocking out Gila Martow prior to and during the closed door canadian style primary for one of the top jewish Ridings

    How come? So the Orthodox community members will come to embrace those like her for moments like these.
    Well done!

  5. Well not like Lantsman is not personally attacking the prime minister as well, so really the both score zero. As for those shocked by such language, just remember you all were cheering on the most vile political discourse the prior 4 years when Trump engaged in it. Why are you all snowflakes now. In truth, Trudeau is correct, there were people with the protests flying such hateful symbols so if you stand with the protests you apparently must be standing with that… kind of like how if someone supported BLM they must be pro looting and burning or at least that is what the Republicans here like to claim. Hypocrisy maybe?

  6. Well done!

    1. It is people like her destroying the Conservative Party.
    And a big reason why they couldn’t get a decent leader till now
    O’Toole’s final speech as leader: two directions – alluded to that

    2.Study the Weimar Republic and the Jews and tell her to shut her mouth regarding the Holocaust. It’s those like her that who had a role in causing the Holocaust

    3. Clips like these desensitizes people to the effects and normalizes them. We. Don’t. need her and would be much better off if she’s a Liberal

    4. She and the power brokers cheated to get her her seat. Very shady pushed out orthodox Chani Aryeh-Bain
    And then even more spuriously knocking out Gila Martow prior to and during the closed door canadian style primary for one of the top jewish Ridings

    How come? So the Orthodox community members will come to embrace those like her for moments like these

  7. big deal.
    The Laurentian and the Family Compact, Jewish included, machers Nexus who control the structural system will give those like her invariably almost any leeway to say whatever they want even to defend the truckers gosh!
    as long as they could stab potential CPC social conservatives in the back through her
    as well as bring down all last reservations the Orthodox Jewish community plausibly still have. So let her score unlike anybody else!

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