How Are Jews In Uman Preparing For A Possible Russian Invasion?

Illustrative. Hatzalah Ukraine

As fears mount of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United Hatzalah organization in Ukraine sent a contingency plan to the residents of Uman in the case of an invasion.

The plan lists four different options, all including evacuation from Uman. The first option involves residents traveling to Kyiv via their own means and then flying to Israel.

The second option is an evacuation to Poland, with Jews first traveling via their own means to Kyiv if possible, and if not, then transportation in groups will be arranged to Kyiv, where everyone will gather. The entire group will then travel together in a convoy to Lviv and from there to Poland.

The third option involves the evacuation of all Jews throughout Ukraine via buses and minibuses directly to Lviv and then to Poland.

The fourth option involves Jews independently traveling to Lviv or Poland via private cars, rental cars, or any available means of transportation.

Foreign Minister Lapid said on Sunday afternoon that Israel is preparing for the possibility of evacuating Jews and Israelis from Ukraine via land to neighboring countries.

Lapid said that neighboring countries have been contacted by Foreign Ministry officials and have responded favorably, including Poland and Moldova.

Rav Yaakov Jan, the Rav of the Jewish kehilla in Uman and head of the local kashrus organization, published a letter on Motzei Shabbos calling on Jewish tourists in Ukraine to leave by Wednesday, and permanent residents to leave until the danger of war passes.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I think they can travel as they came – back to Belorussian border. The right lane should be empty, unless the tanks will take both lanes.

  2. okay2, who says? They rely on his kashrus hashgacha for the restaurants in Uman. His hashgachah is accepted.
    He writes well too, if he wrote this letter himself.

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