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IDF Homefront Commander: Next Conflict will Begin with Missiles

kas“The next war will start by surprise beginning with missile fire into the homefront” state IDF Homefront Commander Major-General Eyal Eisenberg. The senior military commander warns the missile fire will continue throughout the conflict. The senior commander gave his assessment to an audience attending an assembly in the Kinneret Academic College.

Eisenberg was a member of a panel of experts, explaining after the last conflict it became clear that there are no areas of the country that will be excluded in future wars. He feels funding must be directed towards education and early alert systems and less on protective kits and the like.

“Educating citizens as how to act during such an event is critical”, according to Eisenberg, who emphasized the importance of the best possible early warning systems as reality permits. He stressed the responsibility for the homefront rests on the shoulders of the government, adding “If I was in charge I would be investing money in educating citizens”.

The army’s responsibility according to the commander is to build as an effective deterrence as possible in addition to neutralizing threats before they reach the country. He agrees that continued investment in system that permit intercepting missiles before they strike is critical to the nation’s future security.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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