Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Spread the word

UntitledDear Yeshiva World Readers,

We the Korman family from Far Rockaway would like to share our personal Chanukah MIRACLE with you. Some of you may know who we are, and some may not, but our identity is not important because this story could be about you.  All day last Friday, my wife and I walked around complaining of headaches and feeling quite tired.  We made no big deal of it, as we are blessed with a 3 month old who likes to keep us up at night.  Friday night we thought to ourselves, wow our little munchkin must be growing, as she was waking up more than usual making sure we didn’t sleep much.  At about 6AM, during our infant feeding hour, our 5 year old daughter let out a wild scream.

We ran into her room to see what was wrong.  As we approached her, she looked at us with crazed eyes and screamed again and then her body went limp.  We took her to the bathroom where she began to retch and after vomiting she was slowly able to stand and move her body.  She then complained of a headache, so naturally like any Jewish parent, we gave her a wet shamata for her head and took her temperature.  As we were about to call Hatzalah, our very calm and loving 8 year old son screamed on the top of his lungs “I CANT TAKE THE CRYING!” (Referring of course to our baby which we left to fend for herself and she was letting us know that she was not happy about it.)

We ran to his room and found him drenched in sweat, unable to stand, and retching.  Naturally we ran him to the bathroom.  Our 5 year old wanted to see what was happening so she got off the couch and as soon as she got into the bathroom vomited again, passed out and once again was unable to move her body.  We called Hatzalah, who we are so grateful to, and within minutes they were in our house measuring the oxygen saturation of our children.  Suddenly, the paramedic yelled “everyone out of the house and into the ambulance now!….we had carbon monoxide poisoning!

Carbon monoxide is a deadly, colorless, odorless and tasteless poisonous gas which many people never survive to talk about. We did not have functional carbon monoxide detectors at the time, Hashem was truly watching over our family.  When someone goes through such a situation you are left with the feeling of what do I do with this? Where do I channel it?   We have decided to take it upon ourselves to share our story and educate the public to ensure that this will never happen to you.

We therefore ask you to check to make sure you have working non expired carbon monoxide detectors with backup batteries.  Call your alarm company to make sure you are covered for carbon monoxide and of course pass this lesson along to family and friends.    As we lit the candles Motzei Shabbos *Saturday night we had tears in our eyes and thankfulness in our hearts, as we were truly celebrating and understanding the meaning of a “Nais Gadol.” (a BIG Miracle)

Please share the message with your family and friends – you can save a life.

4 Responses

  1. Bh. I know this family and they are very nice people. Thank you Korman family for this important advice. It brought tears to my eyes.

  2. Hi Mr. Korman its so nice to see you with your beautiful family i was with you in South fallsburg yeshiva “the good old days” still playing the sax? all the best

  3. BH, a story with a great ending!!!

    Carbon monoxide poisoning is worse during the cold months of the winter, when furnaces are operation 24/7. Make sure they are vented properly..

  4. B”H I have my family all in good health – my sister, brother in law, nephew and two nieces. The cause of the carbon monoxide in this case was due to the boiler – apparently it was 12 years old and was filled with soot. Very scary situation – Please spread the word so this doesn’t happen to other families. I know my sister, brother in law and myself have taken it upon ourselves to educate people about CO detectors. Just so you know, they were hooked up to “central station” – whoever set them up made a human error and forgot to add in CO detector which is why the alarm never went off. All we can say is Chasdai Hashem! Please make sure you have both smoke and CO detectors that aren’t expired and be sure they have new batteries.

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