Brooklyn – Felder, Deutsch Hail Outgoing PC Kelly At Community Appreciation Breakfast


“Ray Kelly is the best Police Commissioner that New York City has ever had,” NY State Senator Simcha Felder declared in a thunderous voice.

On a cold Wednesday morning, Jewish community leaders, operatives and local authorities came together to express their appreciation of outgoing Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, as he departs from office following the election of Bill de Blasio. The breakfast was hosted by Brooklyn Senator Simcha Felder and Flatbush Councilman-Elect Chaim Deutsch.

“We are not here because we are interested what Police Commissioner can do for us, we are here to thank Commissioner Kelly for what he has done for us,” said Councilman-Elect Chaim Deutsch. “For the past 12 years Ray Kelly has led the Police department with pride and distinction and he’s the reason the Police department is where it is today.”

Mr. Deutsch also noted the corporation with the NYPD to combat recent Knockout attacks in Borough Park and Midwood. “We had serious crimes committed against our neighbors. Heinous crimes, such as committed to unsuspected victims in a purpose to knock them down for walking down the street,” he said. “We thank G-d that our heroes in blue did everything possible to bring these perpetrators to justice and to prevent these attacks from continuing.”

“Today, as we gather here and I work on my transition to represent and prepare to represent the many diverse communities in my district in City Hall, I am proud to know that the quality of life in New York City is at all time high when crime is at all time low. Thank You Commissioner Kelly,” Mr. Deutsch said. “It is only under the leadership of the Police Commissioner that the city has beck the safest City in the nation. And for that, we honor and salute Commissioner Kelly today.”

Senator Simcha Felder, who has a close relationship with Kelly, lauded the outgoing Police Commissioner as a one in a kind. “Today it is all about saying thank you to the best Police Commissioner New York City has ever has,” said Senator Felder to loud applause. “People forget and some would never know how this City used to be like. It was unsafe, ungovernable and as the wild, Wild West. But thank G-d and thanks to Mr. Kelly ad the Police Department, New York City is on track to become the safest city in the nation.”

Mr. Felder noted there are only three cities considered safer than New York, namely, Plano, Texas; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Henderson, Nevada. “And if you want, you can leave now,” the Senator said to much laughter.

Despite the frequent Police bashing that had become all too common, Commissioner Kelly and the NYPD have remained dignified and above the fray,” Mr. Felder noted in a possible dig at Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio. “Commissioner Kelly has demonstrated leadership and courage on a regular basis, even under the most charging circumstances. His departure of the NYPD is a great loss to all New Yorkers.”

“Incoming Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has big shoes to fill,” he added.

Mr. Felder and Mr. Deutsch then presented Mr. Kelly with a silver Mezuzah. “This Mezuzah – a symbol of safety and protection – for you as a token of our appreciation,” said Senator Felder.

In his acceptance address, Mr. Kelly drew attention to his accomplishments in keeping the City safe following the 9/11 attacks. “All the credits go to the men and women of the Police Department,” said Mr. Kelly.

Mr. Kelly also mentioned the global terror threats, in the Middle East region and in South America, pointing to the NYPD’s effort to prevent such terror groups from striking New York City.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. it is unfortunate that we will only know what a wonderful Police Commish we had when we no longer have him!!All the Blasio liberal voters enjoy Bill Bratton and what he will do to a beautiful city!! im sure he can undo 12 years of stiff policing in approx. 2 years!!

  2. Simcha and Chaim – thank you for hosting this breakfast. We showed the Commissioner and of course all the NYPD officers attending that we appreciate them and the fine work they do.

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