German Prosecutor: Still Weighing NSA Probe

spyGermany’s chief federal prosecutor says he hasn’t decided whether to open an investigation into alleged surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency but is suggesting that he’s skeptical.

Prosecutor Harald Range’s office has been considering since June whether it has grounds to investigate reports of NSA surveillance in Germany, which later included allegations that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone was monitored.

Range said Wednesday he hasn’t made a final decision because he’s still awaiting answers to some questions from German authorities. But he says there so far are “no concrete indications that the NSA or (Britain’s) GCHQ systematically monitored German telephone and Internet traffic.”

The prosecutor says he’s also still seeking answers regarding the “conclusiveness and origin” of an alleged NSA document that appeared to show Merkel’s phone was targeted.


One Response

  1. The Germans are known for being very strait-laced at work. They are probably outraged over the NSA people playing computer games on company time (“infiltrating” World of Warcraft – really!:)

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