Autism Group To Protest Bloomberg’s Last-Minute Push for Mandatory Flu Vaccines

Autism advocates are set to protest today against a quiet effort by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration to require annual flu vaccinations for all New York City schoolchildren, Politicker reports.

With just three weeks to go until Bloomberg leaves office, The NYC’s Board of Health, stocked with his appointees, is set to vote Wednesday on new rules that would force children as young as six months old to be immunized each year before December 31 if they attend licensed day care or pre-school programs.

“Young children have a high risk of developing severe complications from influenza. One-third of children under five in New York City do not receive an annual influenza vaccination, even though the vaccine safely and effectively protects them against influenza illness,” the Health Department said in a statement. “This mandate will help protect the health of young children, while reducing the spread of influenza in New York City.”

Under the proposed rule, the vaccinations would be required “unless the vaccine may be detrimental to the child’s health, as certified by a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state, or the parent, parents, or guardian of a child hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the practices herein required.”

Following the mayor’s controversial health initiatives, a group of advocates are planning to protest the Mayor’s attempts, in what they claim are potentially dangerous.

“The Bloomberg administration is wildly exaggerating the benefit of the flu shot and we think they are wildly underestimating the risks involved with it,” said John Gilmore, the executive director of the Autism Action Network, who is organizing Tuesday’s protest. “There are risks associated with every medical procedure,” he said, citing allergic reactions, toxic mercury used as a preservative and questions as to whether the Board’s move is legal given state government jurisdictions.”

Mr. Gilmore admitted he doesn’t expect the Board’s vote to go his way, but he hopes the rally will get Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s attention, potentially opening the door for a reversal once he takes office in January.

“This is basically to put the mayor-elect [on alert], make him aware that this is an issue that he’s going to have to deal with it. It’s not going to go away,” Mr. Gilmore told Politicker. “He is kind of doing this in a stealth fashion. He just proposed this about 6 weeks ago. I don’t think there was any announcement.”

According to a Board of Health notice made public in September, influenza results in 20,000 hospitalizations and 30 to 150 deaths in children under 5 nation-wide each year.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. I wonder if all the chachamim who deride these people have any idea what the flu vaccine contains. Their science may not be accepted, but the danger may still be there.

    How many decades did it take until cigarettes were exposed for the deadly cocktail that they are?

    Regardless of whether or not they are correct, the city has no right to require anyone to get the flu vaccine.

  2. hey hakatan

    guess what? the danger of flu and measles is certainly there more than vaccines. when that bogus paper was first published congress spent millions of dollars looking into it. the writers of the paper retracted and now it turns out the made up their data which was flawed anyways. kids are certainly at risk for the diseases vaccines have all but eradicated if they dont get them. but youre right lets put them and society at risk for some bogus claim

  3. Hakatan do u u are using discredited information and the author has retracted it. Time to trust your pediatrician and stop endangering others around u because u have a problem excepting reality and base your feelings on non sense

  4. Of all the toxic heavy metals, mercury is the most devastating to the brain. No legitimate scientist would ever argue that mercury is safe to inject into a child “at any dose”, and the CDC has never established any “safe” level of mercury in human blood for the simple reason that there’s isn’t any safe level.

    Yet the New York City Board of Health has now decided
     that all children in New York City need to be injected with a devastating dose of toxic mercury as part of their twisted “public health” measure. Flu shots, of course, still contain the neurotoxin heavy metal known as mercury, yet virtually the entire medical establishment blatantly lies to the public and claims — with a straight face — that “all the mercury has been removed from vaccines.”

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