Eida Rabbonim Convene in Urgent Session to Discuss Draft

idffRabbonim of the Eida Chareidis convened in an urgent session on Sunday night the eve of 6 Teves 5774 to discuss the arrests of bnei torah who refuse to serve in the IDF or cooperate with the induction process.

The rabbonim are concerned with the obvious stepped-up law-enforcement activities of IDF military police and they discussed the situation towards reaching a decision as to an appropriate response at this time.

YWN-ISRAEL reported a third talmid was sent to prison last week and there are currently three talmidim jailed in IDF Prison 6.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. They have very few options other than to go on path the brings them into a potential dangerous confrontation with the zionists. Massive civil disobedience, appeals to international human rights organizations, etc., may be effective in pressuring the zionists, but will also create a potentially mortal danger for the continued existence of the State of Israel.

  2. So move to Saudi Arabia and Syria. I’m sick of these punks and leaders who use our holy Torah to pull the wool over the eyes of the ordinary temmimisdig simpletons.
    So who should protect your country, family, mother, sister, little son? Who? What’s wrong with these people? Why is this extreme minority allowed to carry on and disrupt a country which they hate? Enough already.

  3. “Bnei Torah” ??? How does this writer reconcile that with the chilul Hashem, the sinah and machlokes, that this is causing? What’s worse is that American boys learning in a few yeshivos which I won’t mention,are being taught to do the same , despite what Israel is doing for them. What chutzpah!
    Bnei Torah my foot.

  4. The hareidim have a far better claim to Eretz Yisrael than either the Palestinians (who are descended for the most part from Jews who went off the derekh 2000 years ago) or the Zionists (who have been trying to go off the derekh for the last century). In Tanach it is very clear that HaShem owns Eretz Yisrael, and offered it to the Jews in order to, as a condition, do mitsvos and clearly stated that if we go off the derekh we get “vomitted out” (His words, not mine, not the Eidah’s). All the Hareidim want is to live in peace, do mitsvos, and have enough autonomy to run our lives according to our laws – something that is unacceptable to the zionists (as of late), but may be acceptable to the Arabs.

    To #2 I would suggest that if the zionists want a state where they can ignore Shabbos, eat treff, and sleep with whomever they want, they should consider moving to American or Europe where such behaviors are quite acceptable. Their desire to impose their culture on others is the source of conflict.

    What the Eidah may understand is that from an Arab perspective, there hasn’t been a “peace partner” since the early 1920s (when De Haan was murdered by the zionists). What triggered the war was the zionist demand to have a secular western state under zionist control, with everyone else (Arabs, hareidim) being reduced to a less than “first class” status. The Eidah can threated to again be a “peace partner” and offer a solution that the Arabs can support (Islamic rule with Jewish/Hareidi autonomy) and in doing so, will seriously undermine Israel’s international position. Remember that even today, a free election based on the 1918 boundaries of Palestine (which are also the Torah boundaries) will not result in a zionist victory. However since they are Ohav Shalom (i.e. not in getting into fights if possible), the Hareidim have been staying assertive for the last 90 years – but this attempt to “break” them may force a change.

  5. akuperma
    Such sinas Yisroel I expect only from our enemies. I wont even go into the issue of you not even living in EY so that you have no right to spew your factually inaccurate opinion.
    Tell me what do you know of Zionism? how and with whom it started?
    Do you know anything at all about what goes on in the IDF and its treatment of frum soldiers. I will answer it for you…NOTHING absolutely nothing.
    How is it that Hesder boys figure out how to combine learning with their responsibility to protect their only country? You obviously don’t know how far the IDF goes to make sure frum soldiers have what they need, from minyanim to food with a good hechsher. But its easy for you to spew your hateful nonsense from thousands of miles away while these boys are moser nefesh so that the Shoah doesn’t happen again.You want Chareidim to live under muslim autonomy, we have no problem with that there are plenty of muslim countries they can move to. It will cost us a lot less money to live here.
    You have real chutzpa with your statements.
    You blame the Zionists for people going off the derech, sorry you can blame the chareidi community itself for that. And BTW who saved the Satmar Rebbe from the Nazi’s? Yes that right it was the Zionists you hate so much.
    So please keep your fallacies and sinas Yisroel to yourself. Its people like you that cause haterd of frum people in Israel and the US

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