Jerusalem Hotline Established Against the Eida Chareidis

hisThe Hisorarus (Awakening) party has launched a campaign against the Eida Chareidis. The organization has set up a hotline and encourages store owners to seek its legal advice against the Badatz Eida Chareidis and/or Rabbanut. The organization feels that in the past too many store owners have been compelled to accept unreasonable and costly demands set by the organizations and Hisorarus has decided to fight back.

Hisorarus feels that too many small businesses have been victimized and in light of a growing number of complaints received, it has decided to offer the free legal services and other assistance to put an end to hashgachos ‘victimizing’ store owners.

Interestingly the flyer shows the Eida logo yet the text refers to the Rabbinate primarily. No less intriguing is the fact that most stores seeking and receiving Eida Chareidis certification are pleased for despite the stringent adherence to regulations demanded, a store’s profits are increased since the hashgacha is highly regarded by all. And finally, one does not have to seek the Eida’s certification but if one does, one must realize it is a private company and as such, it may set the standards it wishes since the general public is not compelled to hire its services.

Regarding the hashgacha of a local rabbinate, if one wishes to advertise one’s business as “kosher”, one requires local rabbinate hashgacha to legally advertise as “kosher” even if one has an additional hashgacha, such as one of the many so-called badatz hechsherim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. I suspect the government will try to close down any hecksher affiliated with non-zionists (e.g. prohibit anyone receiving government funds from spending money on non-zionist food). This is the first time since De Haan’s assasination that the Hareidim have been asserting themselves on a public issue, albeit one that greatly affects them, and the government’s toleration of their institutions will probably disappear. From a zionist perspective, hareidim (at least those opposed to zionism, such as the Eidah hareidis) are mortal enemies and they can expect to be dealt with as such. Unless either side backs down (the zionists by exempting hareidim from conscritpion, the hareidim by agreeing to serve in the army and become zionists), this is war, and in war one does everything to destroy one’s enemy.

  2. Just because they are a “private company” doesn’t mean they can be abusive. Many times the Eida requires to hire a full time Mashgiach/worker, but the worker doesn’t work properly, as the sign indicates.

    The Eida allows Mashgichim to receive their pay check DIRECTLY from the establishment – something American Hasgachos, who’m the Eida always puts down, would never do…

  3. akuperma, everything to you is black & white, zionist and non-zionist. But did you consider that this has nothing to do with that? Did you consider that maybe the “Top Hechsher” can be abusing it’s powers, and making a Chilul Hahsem?

  4. “any hecksher affiliated with non-zionists’— When did Badatz hecksher become Zionists????
    This new hecksher is a confrontation to the well-established Badatz hecksher. Of course, there is a necessity of government regulations of kashrus as in Rabbanut before another additional certification is attached.

    WAR is war except TORAS HASHEM issues regulations regarding War and treatment of enemies..

  5. zionflag: Until last year the Badatz was a kashrus agency first and foremost, even if its roots were in the shadow goverment of the pre-zionist hareidi community. Generally the Eidah hareidis and the government left each other alone. The Eidah didn’t try to affect national politics (unlike the pro-zionist hareidim who take government money and run for the kenesset and barter support for concessions and patronage) – and the government largely ignored the Eidah. THAT HAS CHANGED.

    MDshweks: If a private non-government agency “abuses” anyone, the person is free to leave. They have no coercive powers. They are PRIVATE. They are NON-GOVERNMENTAL. If a private company abuses its customers (e.g. General Motors in the United States) then the customers switch companies and that abusing company goes bankrupt. That’s how it works with PRIVATE COMPANY. The Eidah hareidis has no soldiers, no tanks, and “their” (unapproved by the Eidah) terrorists have yet to throw anything more toxic than rolled up diapers or more annoying than rocks (check on the number of fatalities caused). They do not attempt to conscript hilonim to force them to learn Torah or to their share of the burden of mitsvos. They are a PRIVATE organization.

  6. MDshweks

    “The Eida allows Mashgichim to receive their pay check DIRECTLY from the establishment – something American Hasgachos, who’m the Eida always puts down, would never do…”

    Hate to tell you but you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!

  7. R’ Akuperma,
    Of course you can do whatever you want. If I choose to put on a red hat and dance on the street like a lunatic it’s totally allowed, but it’s still is not fitting for a Ben Torah, and will cause Chilul Hashem.

    And by the way – this protest is by far not only against “non-zionist” hechsheirim. It is also against the Rabanut, because they advocate that every establishment be entitled to use the word “Kosher” without any certification at all!

  8. ‘more annoying than rocks”

    Best to inform the injured and family members of deceased that rock throwing is just ‘annoying’. The reason we have not reached r”l fatalities or injuries from Eidah rock throwing is because the “ROCK OF ISRAEL” is watching closely.

  9. MDshweks,

    I am glad you agree with me that in the USA mashgichim ARE usually paid by the restaurants!!

    If i told you how i know, it would blow my cover.

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