Israel: More Police Taser Brutality

taserAfter the unjustifiable use of taser against Shomron resident Boaz Albert and the handing down of an indictment against one of the policemen involved, a court has censured police for abusing the weapon again.

The latest victim of police tasers was an off duty IDF soldier. His crime was shouting at police who were detaining civilians for inspection. Police used a taser against the soldier and arrested him.

Petach Tikvah Magistrate Court Justice Rivkah Glatt censured police for abusing the taster. The court felt there was no indication that the soldier was involved in any criminal activity despite his somewhat unruly demeanor and there was no justification for the use of a taser against him. The soldier, who was in detention, was ordered released to house arrest by the court.

The incident occurred last week when the 20-year-old soldier from Netanya was out for a night of partying with friends. Police were stopping teens suspected of traffic violations. The soldier began shouting at police, later admitting he has ingested alcohol prior to the incident. Police used a patrol dog against the youths and a taser. After bringing the soldier to the ground, one of them punched him in his head.

When the soldier was brought before the court during the remand hearing, the court’s harsh words were directed at police, not the suspect.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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