President Peres Opened the Globes Business Conference with an On-Stage Interview with CNN’s Richard Quest

peresPresident Shimon Peres on Sunday morning 5 Teves 5774, opened the Globes Business Conference 2013 with an on-stage interview with CNN’s Richard Quest. President Peres addressed the major issues faced by the State of Israel and the world today including the Iranian nuclear program, the peace process with the Palestinians and Israeli-US relations.

President Peres was asked what Israelis and PA (Palestinian Authority) can learn from Nelson Mandela and said, “We met several times on very friendly terms; he felt that we should conclude the negotiations with the Palestinians, something that isn’t strange to me. I also have to mention de Klerk, he also took a great risk, you need two for peace. The main lesson is that if someone says it’s impossible, I’d say look at those two. If there was something that seemed impossible it was solving Apartheid but it happened and it was far quicker than we thought.”

Peres addressed the state of negotiations and said, “It’s not yet finished, we’re still negotiating. If it was concluded we would have to negotiate. There are two major problems; Israel’s security after our experience when we left Gaza which made many Israelis reluctant to do likewise in the West Bank. On the other hand is the problem of our existence as a Jewish state, a state where the Jewish people are a majority. It’s not a matter of declarations; it’s a matter of numbers.”

Asked by Richard Quest if he believed that peace was possible, President Peres responded, “Yes, it is possible. It’s complicated to negotiate, not only with the other side but also with your own people, to convince them that it’s a plan that will make them safe.”

Mr. Peres was asked for his opinion on the threat from Iran and the deal signed in Geneva, “The problem is what will happen in the coming 6 months, it’s a trial period. President Obama said that for him also this is a trial and gave an estimate of 50/50 as to whether it will succeed. We have to concentrate all our efforts to make sure Iran doesn’t become a nuclear danger to the rest of the world. The Iranians are paying heavily, the sanctions are costly and they aren’t being stopped. President Obama constructed a coalition and he can’t go alone, it’s hard to have sanctions if two mighty countries like Russia and China don’t participate. There is no argument that we prefer a diplomatic solution, no-one wants to run and shoot. All options remain on the table to give weight to the words; the ones who are meant to listen must realize they could face a far more complicated situation. No-one wants Iran to have a nuclear bomb, no-one wants to have an Iranian danger hanging over our skies.” Asked whether he trusted President Rouhani and would be willing to meet with him President Peres replied, “Why not? I don’t have enemies; it’s not a matter of a person but of a policy. The purpose is to convert enemies into friends. If it was only him I’d take it with greater assurance but there are other structures, other people. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, half army and half organization, spreads terror all over the world and I’m not so sure they support the president. We have to see the balance of the situation.”

Mr. Peres was asked his opinion on to’eva marriage, “I am in favor of every human being having the right to breathe fresh air, to eat food, to fall in love with whoever they want. According to our tradition the L-ord created each of us in His image. He didn’t give us the right to edit what He did, everyone has the right to be right. I think everyone will take it as a yes.”

The Globes Business Conference is attended by hundreds of invited guests from Israel and across the world. The conference will deal with the economic challenges in 2013 and will aim to identify measures and solutions to achieve a better future in light of the economic, social and political changes in the world. Among the guests will be leading figures from the global and Israeli economy in the fields of finance, energy, infrastructure, communication, academia and more.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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