VIDEO & PHOTOS: Continued Protests in Solidarity With Jailed Yeshiva Bochrim

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Hundreds of avreichim were outside IDF Prison 6 in the north, near Atlit on motzei Shabbos. They took part in a solidarity protest with the 19-year-old talmidim now serving two-week jail terms for not reporting for military service.

In Yerushalayim, dozens of protestors were out in the streets as well on Shivtei Yisrael Street and at Kikar Shabbos.

The protests surround the imprisonment of two talmidim at this time both sentenced to 14-day terms in the IDF prison for failing to report for military service.

Last week HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita visited the prison and a delegation of Eida Chareidis rabbonim is set to do the same.

A stormy protest was held on Sunday afternoon 5 Teves in Ramat Beit Shemesh as well.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


3 Responses

  1. whereas all of these photos look good, we must remember:

    No young yeshiva bocher goes in the army if
    1. he is learning in a yeshiva
    2. he presents the army with the papers proving it.

    this boy did not present his papers and ignored the army seemingly at the behest of R. Aurerbach who want confrontations. This is the reason the gedolei hador have shunned him and his militant methods.

    YWN should not present these misleading articles which give credibility to R. Aurerbach.

  2. #1. And why should anybody rather take your version of the story when you don’t provide any proof to your claim. I find it easy to believe that there are many people ready to distort and fabricate any story just to bash someone who learns. I do agree that in my opinion this probably doesn’t make sense. However! I’m NOT the talmid chacham he is. And I find it weird to say the least, that the rule is that people who don’t learn always understand better, know better halacha etc. than the people who actually study and practice it. You and me sitting here online wasting time, doesn’t prove that we’re anything more than some dumb bored souls!

  3. I hope the police and IDF are carefully checking the military service status of every person arrested at these protests, and arresting anyone who is draft-dodging.

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