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Elad: Porush May be Mayor but Without a Coalition

porWhile Yisrael Porush may have emerged the victor in the Elad mayoral race, all is not smiles in City Hall for the young mayor is not succeeding to put a coalition together.

The head of Shas in Elad, Tzuriel Krisfel, who lost the election to Porush is not make life pleasant for Porush as coalition talks seem to have reached a dead end.

Yehuda Avidan explains that he and his colleagues have bent over backwards towards accommodating Shas and conducting talks in a positive atmosphere but there is no progress. Krisfel reports that earlier this week he received a negative and patronizing response from the head of the negotiating team, Moshe Porush and as a result, the sides are deadlocked.

Elad City Hall nevertheless releases a message of optimism, reassuring the media that efforts to build a “wall-to-wall coalition” that will include as many parties as possible are continuing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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