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Tourism Ministry to Host Tour Operators from Around the World

wti cover.jpgMinister of Tourism Dr. Uzi Landau to the tour operators: “The year 2012 was a record year for incoming tourism and tourists continue to vote with their feet in 2013, touring the country despite the geo-political challenges and the global economic crisis.” The minister calls on the tour operators to “place Israel on the front of the shelf. The most important mission for the Tourism Ministry is to increase, with your help, the number of tourists arriving in Israel 2014-2015.”

“Where Else: Israel Tourism Convention 2013”, Israel’s tourism convention for tour operators worldwide, will begin tomorrow (5.12.13) in a festive opening ceremony at the Rabin Center in Tel Aviv. 140 leading tour operators from around the world will participate in a variety of tours arranged by the Tourism Ministry to tourist sites around the country, in accordance with their preferences.

The six-day convention, taking place for the fourth consecutive year, is held in cooperation with El-Al, Arkia, the Hotels Association and the Israeli Incoming Tour Operators Association. The tours are arranged with the assistance of the relevant local tourism associations and regional councils. The tour operators hail from a number of countries including Brazil, USA, Canada, China, South Korea, Hungary, Poland, India, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, South Africa, Switzerland, Austria and Poland. Most of the tour operators are representatives of companies that have yet to market Israel as a tourism product and most have never visited Israel before. The objective is to expose them to the Israeli tourism product, including leisure and entertainment opportunities, as well as several niche tourism packages for various interest groups.

On Friday 3 Teves 5774, the groups will tour Tel Aviv, the Jaffa port and experience Tel Aviv’s nightlife. Half the group will spend the weekend in the north of the country, in accordance with their choice, visiting, among others, traditional and religious sites in Nazareth, Haifa, Akko and Caesarea, as well as enjoying an authentic Circassian experience. They will also sail on the Kinneret and visit sites holy to Christianity.

The second group will visit the south of the country, including, among others, Masada, the Dead Sea and Eilat. On Monday, the groups reunite in Jerusalem where they will tour the city on Segways and enjoy the capital’s night life. A festive evening at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem will close the convention on 7 Teves.

During the convention, participants will meet with local hoteliers in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Dead Sea, Eilat and Jerusalem, as well as meeting Israeli tour operators in a marketing workshop organized by the Israeli Incoming Tour Operators Association.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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