White House Changes Story on Obama’s Uncle

obuThe White House says President Barack Obama briefly lived with an uncle who faced deportation from the United States.

That contradicts the White House’s previous statements that the president had never met Onyango Obama. The 69-year-old was granted permission this week to stay in the U.S. after ignoring a deportation order two decades ago.

White House spokesman Jay Carney says that when the case first arose, officials looked for records of a meeting but never directly asked the president. They eventually did so this week after the uncle testified that they had met.

Carney says the president lived with his uncle temporarily and saw him every few months while studying at Harvard. Carney says the men have not seen each other in two decades or spoken in about 10 years.


8 Responses

  1. As big a liar as ever was, Obama is an embarrassment to all.
    Luckily for us citizens, the news still prints this stuff so we can erase any doubt in our minds. Of course, the black brothers and sisters of his will turn a blind eye to these facts and keep swearing by him. I know! I have immediate family that works in the Harlem-Bronx areas and they are completely in love with him!

  2. Are you kidding me? You’re going with that story? The WH issues a statement about the president’s relationship without actually verifying if it was true? (Please don’t give me that “we looked for records” excuse, who are you kidding?) And we are supposed to rely on their word?
    Although naturally we are inclined to extend them the benefit of the doubt and there are always untruths in politics; it seems that this administration is constantly dealing with a web of lies that are unraveling all the time. Some of them are so blatant they erode all possible trust. He has thusfar done little to – as he himself admitted that he needs to – win back our trust.

  3. It seems that his motto is “why tell the truth if you could tell a lie” especially if the media constantly let’s him get away with it.
    The Gemora states there’s a chazaka that a person doesn’t lie if it’s a statement that otherwise will be uncovered. Obama either seems to think that we’re all dumb and won’t uncover his many lies or he’s not in the realm of a Adam that the chazaka talks about.

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