PHOTOS: Barnet Councillor and Local Milkman Presented Awards At Shomrim London NW Chanuka Event

Mayor of Barnet Cllr Melvin Cohen Gavriel Ost Shomrim London George DebesayThe annual Chanukah event of Shomrim NW this week was given a uniquely gratifying twist with the presentation of its first ever Exemplary Citizen Award to Charedi Dairy milkman George Debesay.

As Mr Debesay goes about his North West London milk delivery round in the small hours of the night, he occasionally spots unusual or suspicious events. Taking advantage of this, several years ago Shomrim NW gave him their 24 hr hotline number, which Mr Debesay calls when noticing suspicious activity.

On this particular night, at around 3am Mr Debesay noticed something protruding from behind a hedge. Stopping his van, he went over to have a closer look. He found an elderly man collapsed and unconscious on the pavement. Mr Debesay’s call to Shomrim NW was the first link in the chain that saved the elderly gentleman’s life. Hospital doctors say that if he had remained on the pavement much longer, having slipped and fallen around midnight, he would not have survived.

Shomrim NW made a special presentation to Mr Debesay, inscribed with the words: “This plaque is presented to Mr George Debesay of Charedi Dairies by Shomrim NW in recognition of his exemplary vigilance and responsibility which led to saving a life.”

The event was held in the new Aishel Avrohom Eliezer hall of Bridge Lane Beis Hamedrash. Around fifty people attended, including many dignitaries from across London.

The Mayor of Barnet Cllr Melvin Cohen expressed a personal thank you to Shomrim, adding that it was important for the community to appreciate their work. Rabbi Winegarten presented an award to Cllr Dean Cohen for his community engagement and efforts on behalf of Barnet’s large Jewish community whilst standing for the 8th year as a councillor for London borough of Barnet.

The Mayor lit the first candle; other candles were ignited by Police Chaplain Rabbi Alan Plancey, Deputy Borough Commander Superintendent Mark Strugnell, Fire Brigade Borough Commander Steve Leader, Cllr David Longstaff, Chair of the Jewish Police Association Chief Inspector Tim Williams, and Inspector Kevin Williams on behalf of Chief Superintendent Paul Brogdon of British Transport Police.

Mr Gary Ost, Chief Executive of Shomrim introduced Rabbi Shimon Winegarten shlita, adding that Shomrim NW was fortunate to have a Rov who was highly respected as a guiding force in North West London as its mentor and spiritual leader. The Rov spoke about the significance of Chanukah and the importance of working for the community, adding that he appreciated the strong links that the Orthodox Jewish community in Barnet maintains with the police and fire service. Every time the police are called out, they put their lives on the line as potentially so do members of Shomrim NW in some of the emergencies they attend he said.

Mayor of Barnet Cllr Melvin Cohen Gavriel Ost Shomrim London George Debesay

Shomrim Rabbi Alan Plancey Rabbi Winegarten Shomrim Chanuka Event Mayor of Barnet Shomrim London Shomrim Mayor of Barnet Councillor Melvin Cohen Shomrim London Mayor of Barnet Cllr Melvin Cohen Cllr Dean Cohen Mr Gary Ost
Gary Ost Shomrim Shomrim London Jewish Police Association Shomrim London Cllr David Longstaff Shomrim London Chanuka Event 2013 Shomrim London British Transport Police BTP Inspector Kevin Jaccobs

(Dina Rosell – Jewish Tribune UK)


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