“MURDERERS! DOGS!” Anti-Vaxxer Verbally Attacks Nurse Outside Bersheva School

A viral video has emerged showing an anti-vaxxer accosting a nurse outside a Bersheva school, verbally attacking and threatening her.

“Who gave them permission to enter with all this poison,” can be heard telling the nurse. “Who let you in here, who are you? Murderers! Villains! Killing children in cold blood!”

“Dogs, dogs,” he says as the nurse walks away. “Let’s see where you’re going, sweetie, let’s photograph your car, your details.”

When another individual, identified as a Health Ministry employee, began filming the harassing man, he shouts, “You’re a bunch of murderers!”

A complaint has been filed with police.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. He’s has a point. How do people inject teens and children who cannot give their consent to being jabbed with a concoction that has not been studied like all vaccines are subject to? And this is without children being effected by covid-19 if they don’t have co-morbitidies!

    He has a right to express his feelings, he has not threatened the nurse in any way, shape or form. He said it calmly, unlike how the sensational headline implies he said it. That lady who took the video was far more verbally aggressive.

  2. What a disgusting article! This guy is not an anti-vaxxer, he is anti injecting kids with experimental chemicals, especially since kids are not at risk. Remember that Project Veritas has video of officials in the FDA saying that we don’t know what will happen to kids from the vaccine, so the only thing we can do is give it to them and see what happens. Or have we forgotten that already?

    The world needs more like this guy, as mildly deranged as he may be. No one should be ok with vaccinating kids against COVID!

  3. The definition of vaccine has been changed to include a non-vaccine (doesn’t provide immunity and doesn’t stop transmission). The “definition” of anti-vaxxer has also been expanded to include someone against a non-vaccine.

    The “epithet” is being applied here to someone who was protesting against forcing the non-vaccine on children, who are at essentially zero risk of catching Covid and, if they do, at essentially zero risk of being hurt by Covid.

    BiYemos haMashiach chutzpah yasgei…haEmes tihei neederes. Amazing.

  4. you people need refuel shlemas
    maamish sick
    i hope you find clarity and happiness by posting your backwards shitos on yeshiva world comment section

  5. If you defend this man please indicate if you support vaccination in general and object to this vaccination specifically based on your medical research or if you are a dogmatic anti-vaxxer who can’t be swayed by logic. That gives your comment some context.

  6. I’m appalled that one of the leading information sources for orthodox Jewry has such a skewed reporting regarding this topic and is thereby furthering gross violations of the Nuremberg Laws, which proscribe involuntary medical experimentation. If anyone is still harboring any illusions regarding these so called “vaccines”, I suggest that you catch up on what you’ve missed by visiting a site such as Infowars.com for two weeks straight. Alex Jones actually does a lot of his own meticulous research and interviews and doesn’t just brainlessly pass on stories from mainstream media like YWN. I say two weeks because it may take a few days to begin to break out of the mass psychosis wherein everything that doesn’t fit the narrative we’ve been fed is immediately labeled as “conspiracy theory”. Just remember that scores of our people also thought that the rumors circulating in Europe a few years back were just “conspiracy theories.” I know that as frum Jews, we’re often loathe to receive our news from non-Jewish sites, but the situation is such that everyone needs to know what’s really transpiring and tragically, our Jewish news outlets are not covering the full story by a long shot. If you will tune in to a truly uncensored news outlet for a few weeks, you will no longer harbor any illusions. G-d bless & Moshiach Now!!!

  7. Yonarivka, the Nuremberg Laws were the NAZI laws against Jews!!!! It’s a mitzvah to violate those. I think you meant to refer to something called the “Nuremberg Code”, which is a voluntary code of conduct that some people came up with, has no legal status, and represents only those people’s private opinion. Anyone is entitled to disagree with it, and to “violate” it as much as they like.

    Also, Alex Jones?! Seriously?! It’s reasonable to be skeptical about the Wuhan vaccines, but anyone who gives any credence to Alex Jones belongs in a straitjacket and a padded room. The minute you mention his name you disprove everything you say. It is a chilul HaShem for an ostensibly frum Jew to promote him; it’s a violation of רק עם חכם ונבון הגוי הגדול הזה

  8. In a civilized country (of which there is only one, the USA) his freedom of speech would be respected, and the police would leave him alone. No matter how unpopular his opinion is he has the right to express it.

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