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Obama Hopes Youth Not Discouraged By Healthcare Woes

healPresident Barack Obama says he hopes young people don’t get discouraged by how hard it has been to implement health care reform.

Obama spoke Wednesday to an audience of young leaders at a White House youth summit on health care. He told the participants that it has never been easy to make big changes in the United States, citing the civil rights movement and efforts by women to win the right to vote.

The president also urged participants to help other young people enroll in insurance through the new health law’s exchanges. He says insurance coverage will cost most young people less than $100 per month.

The White House needs young, healthy people to sign up for insurance in order to offset the cost of covering people with health issues.


One Response

  1. Yeah I’ll bet he hopes they aren’t discouraged because they’re the suckers paying for this mess. Re thought is that young people Don’t get sick so any “premiums” they pay would go to pay for the older folk.

    In English we call it REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH!

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