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Six Jewish Girls Rescued From Abusive Arabs in One Week

Rescue   Learn   LiveThe girls were rescued from abusive Arab relationships and Arab villages this week by Learn and Live. “The types of girls that we rescued reflects the spectrum of Israeli society, showing the crisis Israel is facing with this problem,” says Patty Kupfer of Learn and Live. “More than ten thousand Jewish girls are either trapped in Arab villages or are involved in a dangerous relationship with an Arab man before they are ‘escorted’ to a village. They come from Israel’s southern, northern, and central regions; from religious, traditional, and secular families; and from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, including Ashkenazi, Moroccan, Russian  and Ethiopian.”

Many of the girls are not physically trapped. Rather, they are living in fear. “He said if I left, he would kill my mother and my father,” explains Sara, one of the rescued girls. ”He meant it. How could I leave him, no matter how much he hit me?”

With the encouragement of our staff, Sara reported her Arab boyfriend’s threats to the police. A call from our staff to the boyfriend, informing him that a police report had been filed and that he would be arrested if anything happened to Sara’s parents, was enough to prevent him from doing any harm.

At the safe houses, the girls will be given the guidance and tools to rebuild their lives in a nurturing and constructive environment.



6 Responses

  1. Dubious. Oppressed minorities subject to frequent police harassment aren’t able to kidnap people belonging to the majority group. Even less likely since the bulk of Israelis like the idea of being part of a traditional Arab society (with few rights for Israel’s very liberated and feminist women) even less than they like the idea of being in a traditional Jewish society (which the hate as well). A more likely scenario is a handful of girls running away from home, often ending up with some Arabs who more likely thannot are also running away from home.

  2. The comment in #1 is so ridiculous it is almost beneath a reply, but I feel compelled to cry out in protest.
    As usual akuperma, you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. You cannot rely on some kind of abstract pseudo-intellectual logic tied in to your unbalanced anti-zionist ideology in order to explain this frightening reality. It is what this article said it is but much much worse. Take it from the source – those who have run away and if lucky were later rescued, and from those involved in the mesiras nefesh of rescuing. They are but a drop in a very toxic bucket.

    YOu should not be postulating. You should be finding out where to donate and davening for the yeshuos of these women.

    Why don’t you be quiet for once and try to dig some Ahavas Yisroel out of your Jewish heart!

  3. Akuperma
    Even though your comments are usually very insightful, I must respectfully disagree with you on this one.
    Yad L’Achim has no end of tragedies they are trying to rescue, and in many cities and towns, especially development towns, like where I lived, Jews and Arabs live and work in close proximity. He could threaten her like this and mean it.
    Arabs in Israel are the least “oppressed minority” in the world. They have all the rights of citizenship, plus a timid Israeli presence that doesn’t want another headline.

  4. akuperma,

    Like usual you don’t have a clue outside your little shtetel. You are blinded by hate. Your religion of anti-Zionism keeps adding lie upon lie to justify and further the hatred. If we took all your anti-Zionist comments and put the word “Jew” instead of Zionist, we could write another version of “Protocols”.

  5. #3
    akupermas’ comments are generally only insightful when they deal with his shtettels’ (USA) internal issues, the moment he opens his mouth about anything Israel related one can be sure that the nonsense levels go through the roof. #4 sums it up pretty well.

    akuperma please follow the advice of #2 and learn a bit about ahavas yisrael and what goes on in the real world, both in the US and in the EU minorities regularly abduct/seduce girls though there the goal is using her for an industry we don’t like talking about on this website unlike in Israel where there is a bounty on getting a Jewish girl/woman for the arab man.

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