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Are Bayit Yehudi’s Days in the Coalition Numbered?

bennAccording to a report from the dati leumi Kippa website, persons close to Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett feel the party will not remain in the coalition more than a year and may pull out even earlier.

Makor Rishon correspondent Ze’ev Kam reported in the weekend edition that the persons predicting the party will not last in the coalition are members of the forum that meets with Bennett every other week for strategy sessions. Ayelet Shaked is among those quoted saying “Bayit Yehudi is not going to be in the coalition forever and its time [in the coalition] is limited to a number of months up to a year.”

When asked to comment, party officials state the information is simply inaccurate and responding would be “ridiculous”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The alliance of Bayit Yehudi, and Likud with Yesh Atid is highly unstable. Most Bayit Yehudi members are not all that anxious for a war on hareidim, are definitely not for a war on yeshivos, and certainly don’t want to give up support for the settlements in order to gain support for hareidi-bashing. Since Yesh Atid’s hareidi bashing has gone much further than most Dati Leumi types favor, and Yesh Atid hasn’t delivered much of what Bayit Yehudi wants (extended support for settlements), there is a strong temptation for the alliance to unravel.

  2. i think the alliance between liberman and lapid will squeeze bennet out, they are both totally irreligious. but i’m waiting for the whole thing to fall apart or implode like what happened to Shinui (lapid’s father)

  3. If pulling out would mean new elections, that would be great. The problem is that Labor and Shas would take their place and our Land would be given away. Atleast Bennett is able to keep a lid on many things.

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