Jerusalem Terror Victim Hopefully Heading Home

parThe Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Friday, 26 Kislev 5774 extended the remand of four Arab suspects arrested in the rock-throwing attack against a vehicle on Thursday night.

Two-year-old Avigail Bentzion was reported in serious condition when she arrived in the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. She was struck in her head by the rocks thrown at the family vehicle in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood of the capital.

The four suspects, ages 15-20, are residents of Tzur Bacher, which neighbors Armon HaNatziv. They deny any involvement in the attack.

Doctors at Hadassah reported on Sunday morning that her condition improved significantly over Shabbos and she is now listed light-to-moderate/stable. Assaf, her father, reports they are hopeful she will be released on Sunday (28 Kislev) during the day.

The couple resides in Armon HaNatziv for about 18 months and following the attack, they are uncertain if they will remain in that area of the capital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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