A Tribute to Reb Shimon Brecher z”l

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

Be prepared for hundreds of fascinating rulings in halacha from Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita.

Reb Shimon Brecher z”l was an extraordinary individual whom Klal Yisroel had lost to COVID at a relatively young age.  He passed away in October of last year.  Reb Shimon, or Shimi, lived in Lakewood, New Jersey, and was a businessman, an askan, a philanthropist and a remarkable Talmid Chochom.  He was also a close confidant of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita.

The greatest tribute that could be paid to this remarkable individual, however, was paid to him by his children – in that they published his copious notes of questions that he had posed to Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and shaped them into a unique sefer.

Of the many hundreds of seforim that print questions and answers with Reb Chaim – this sefer stands apart.  One can tell the depth and profundity of the person asking the questions.  They reflect a deep grasp of the underlying sugya and we are so much wiser because of it.

The sefer is called Shamanu kain ra’inu.  It has numerous questions that are specific to Kohanim.  The following is a brief overview of some of the questions.  The sefer also has a number of footnotes that delve into the very heart of the issues presented.

  1. QUESTION: Must one wash one’s hands when he touches his shoelaces? ANSWER: No, and such was the custom of the Chazon Ish.
  2. QUESTION: IF when putting on Tefillin of the shel yad one touches the elbow, must one wash netilas yadayim? ANSWER: Yes.
  3. QUESTION: The Mishna Brurah 27:35 says that if one’s tefillin got twisted and the unblackened part was facing the top and the blacked part was facing the skin, it is a midas chassidus to either fast or give to tzedakah the amount that one eats. Nothing fell here, however!  Where do we find that one fasts for losing out on a Mitzvah?  ANSWER: The issue here is also a bizayon to the Mitzvah.
  4. QUESTION: When one touches a sweaty garment – is there a need to wash one’s hands? ANSWER:  No, it is not that disgusting and it would be permitted.
  5. QUESTION: When a person is in the restroom in the morning, is there an inyan to recite the asher yatzar right away or may one remain in the restroom to tend to other matters of hygiene such as brushing teeth, etc? ANSWER: There is no need to rush out of the restroom and one may tend to other needs.
  6. QUESTION: If one gives a child a haircut or clips his nails must one wash hands? ANSWER: No. The obligation is only for the person who undergoes it – not for one who is doing it for another.
  7. QUESTION: Is it true that the Rav’s position is that any Kohain on a plain to or from Eretz Yisroel may duchen on the plane?  ANSWER: Yes.  On the plane there is no minhag, so a kohain leaving Eretz Yisroel may still duchen since he has not gotten to minhag chutz la’aretz.
  8. QUESTION: There were two Kollel Avreichim arguing.  One said that since the cold weather has arrived, I do not wear a sweater. Instead, I don five pairs of Tzitzis.  The other responded, “We have never seen people do these things, and one should avoid doing strange things.  Who is correct?  ANSWER: Five pairs of Tzititz??  [In other words, we have not seen from our Rebbeim to do strange things – see footnote].
  9. QUESTION: Does the Rav cover his entire face when donning a talis gadol? ANSWER: No, I do not.
  10. QUESTION: The Rav used to hold that the current tcheiles was incorrect. But some are saying that the Rav has changed his mind. Is this correct?  ANSWER : It is an absolute lie.  The Midrash Tanchuma writes that the Mitzvah of tcheiles is ganuz [has been hidden] until the time of Moshiach!
  11. QUESTION: The Eliyahu Rabbah (664:1) says that there are five days that one should arise earlier and daven earlier. What do people who daven vasikin do on these days?  ANSWER:  Get up earlier on these days and learn more Torah before vasikin.
  12. QUESTION: In bentching if someone was part of a zimun of three and bentched, but there were another seven who didn’t bentch – does he count for the latter zimun of ten?  ANSWER: Yes, he may.
  13. QUESTION: A wealthier person gives Tzedakah generously. Is he obligated to give more Tzedakah when the economic situation is particularly tough? ANSWER:  There is no obligation.  However, if he does so, a blessing will come to him.
  14. QUESTION: When supporting Kollels – is there a preference to give to a venerable and more established Kollel, such as Kollel Chazon Ish? ANSWER:  It is certainly a factor. (See also Igros Moshe YD IV #9)
  15. QUESTION: During Hurricane Sandy there were a number of institutions that needed generators. Which should be given precedence – a Kollel of 40 tamidei chachomim or a Yeshiva Ketana (ostensibly, but unclear if the same number of people)? ANSWER: The Talmidei Chachomim have precedence.

** There is a Yesoma who, boruch Hashem, just got engaged.  If anyone would like to assist in making her chasuna please donate here or contact the author.**

I first became acquainted with Reb Shimon when he reached out to me regarding an article on a new and questionable type of meat. Subsequently, I connected with him at Zichron Shneur in Lakewood.   Reb Shimon wisely handled some very sensitive issues.  We became friends and spoke regularly. On a number of these occasions – Reb Shimon saved the day for Klal Yisroel.  He was involved in helping teens at risk and once arranged for a trip to Eretz Yisroel where some of the younger teen-agers met and received brachos from Rav Kanievsky shlita.  The loss of Reb Shimi is profoundly felt – not only in Lakewood, but across the world.  The sefer is now available in Seforim stores, but will quickly run out.  May his neshomo be a meiletz yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

** There is a Yesoma who, boruch Hashem, just got engaged.  If anyone would like to assist in making her chasuna please donate here or contact the author.**

The author can be reached at [email protected]


One Response

  1. On question 2 regarding if one needs to wash one’s hands during Tefilin .
    The Satmer Rov held one does not need to wash one’s hands

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