Report: Lev Tahor Cult Settling In Chatham, Ready To Buy Property

The following is from the Chatham Daily:

Life is beginning to settle down for the Lev Tahor group who arrived in Chatham last week from Quebec.

Mayer Rosner, the 37-year-old director of the ultra-orthodox Jewish group, said members of the community have gone to great lengths to make them feel welcome.

“We got a group of women, 50- 60-year-old Christian women, who came to welcome us and give us their blessing,” Rosner said. “People came to say hello and (state) ‘We don’t believe in all the stories on the news.’ ‘We love the Jewish people’ and ‘Welcome to Chatham.’”

Deb Bohz, who’s family owns Spurgeon Villa, where a vast majority of the Lev Tahor community has settled, said the group has been nothing but pleasant.

“(Everyone is) really good, waving to each other and saying hi,” said Bohz. “There is an adjustment for them (Lev Tahor) too and they’ve got to get to know us and we’ve got to know them.”

Rosner said the group is bringing some economic benefit to the area.

“We are bringing business to the Chatham people,” he said.

“Two hundred more people to the city, it does something, maybe not a major difference, but 200 people is not bad for the city,” he added.

The group is interested in finding an institutional building surrounded by homes to move their community to.

Until then, Rosner is searching for 10-12 homes to rent for families living in hotels until long-term accommodations can be secured.

“I’m a little surprised that some people are refusing, because of the news,” said Rosner. “They think we are bad people, it makes it a little bit difficult. People don’t need to be afraid.”

Quebec social services allege there were a host of concerns with the children including hygiene, health and education levels not being met.

The fathers of the two Lev Tahor families under investigation did not appear in the Quebec court on Wednesday, instead choosing to be represented by a lawyer.


7 Responses

  1. “ Lev Tahor has nothing to do with Judaism. This “rabbi” Solomon Arez Hell-branz, may not even be Jewish. He is a cult-leader and a fraud and always has been. Every Jewish organization on earth should be rebuking them in public as no different than the David Koresh cult in Waco, or the Jonestown cult. We should be keeping a spotlight on this fraudster as much as possible and call this what it is: A CULT.

    This “leader” is a VERY dangerous man who uses mind-control techniques to pray on the weak minded.

    Believe it or not, it is VERY easy to start a cult if you want to. All it takes is a few lost souls willing to have a boatload of children for you. ”

  2. “People don’t need to be afraid” – You got to be kidding!

    who wants the evil influence of these cultists in your block? no sane goy would want them! If you have them as neighbors you want out and quick before your property values drop.

  3. They were welcomed by Christians who gave them blessings… Nebech! Are there any Jews in that city? What about kashrut? Mikva? Or are they already holier than thou and don’t need these things anymore. Actually, where in the world is Chatham?

  4. I totally agree wity you. It’s easy to control peoples mind. Y R also did that. Those who lost kids to him can tell you. Told his student to come to him for CHIZUK . Father asks where were you till 11 pm? At Y. R . What for? Receiving chizuk. He just didnt culturize Rabbis kids and very rich people becausee he was afraid they will bust the bubble too fast. For kids whose mom doesnt work he said: your mother should have been working to help raise your big family, for kids in class whose mom did go to work , he said : your mom not home for you. And oh say thanks for your parents dinner but you make your own chinuch choices. Now those children live in our homes but are like aliens.

  5. The mind of a cult is already known. Suddenly the non acceptable, many time Aveiros Derabonon and Deoiraisa become allowable to the the cult. This is not the first time there’s a “frum” cult, catching the weaker ones.

  6. This Chasidic cult “ Lev Tahor” has nothing to do with Judaism.

    This so called “rabbi” Solomon Arez Hell-branz and son Nuchman may not even be Jewish. They are cult-leaders a fraud and always has been.

    Every Jewish organization on earth has been rebuking them even in public, as no different than the David Koresh cult in Waco, or the Jonestown cult. We should be keeping a spotlight on this fraudster as much as possible and call this what it is: A CULT.

    This cult “leader” and son Nuchman are VERY dangerous man who uses mind-control techniques to pray on the weak minded. Nuchman the son can not be trusted, he is a big lier with out a drop truth.

    Believe it or not, it is VERY easy to start a cult if you want to. All it takes is a few lost souls willing to have a boatload of children for you. ”

  7. Unfortunately this Chasidic cult (run by the hell-brans Araz family) is built on deceiving everybody’ including the government, for example they are known for not paying their utility bills by claiming that he or she don’t live here any longer, using fictitious names, constantly changing the leases and names etc.

    It must have caught up with them, so they had no choice to run out of there as fast as possible, with out giving any prior notice to any of the landlords including some who are Yiddesheh landlords, their attitude in life is “I am a dictator and I can do what ever the hell I want to” but what they don’t realize is that the Chilul Hashem that came out of it is unforgivable, it will keep on haunting them. remember Nuchman Arez Hellbranzzzz SHAME ON THIS CULT LEV “LO” TAHOR!!!!

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