HIkind Outraged At Miscarriage Of Justice In Shomrim Shooting Case

hikindAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is outraged at today’s decision clearing David Flores of all serious charges after Flores shot four Shomrim members in 2010. Flores was charged with attempted murder, assault and criminal use of a fire arm, among other charges but only found guilty of weapon possession.

“It’s beyond comprehension,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “Four unarmed people shot and hospitalized. How was this sick individual not found guilty? How could the DA possible lose this case? Now Flores is out and capable of creating more mayhem? This is our justice system upside down. It’s insane!”

Assemblyman Hikind visited the individuals who were shot while they were hospitalized and praised their efforts in attempting to safeguard the community.

“The Shomrim were protecting our children by trying to prevent this sick animal from doing further harm. What kind of message does ‘not guilty’ send?”

David Flores, then 35-years-old, had been identified by the Shomrim on Sept. 4, 2011, as acting indecently in front of young children—but when approached by four Shomrim members, Flores pulled a gun and shot at them. Avrohom Kaztow, Motty Pearl, Motty Brauner and Yoily Klein were injured. Flores claimed self-defense.

Flores had nine prior arrests and had previously pled guilty to public lewdness.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. This article is ridiculous and one-sided. According to the news reports, the guy didn’t just pull out a gun when he was approached by Shomrim. He was suspected of being a certain sick individual, so Shomrim followed and harassed him for some time. At one point, four Shomrim guys stood around his car not allowing him to move. After a heated argument, Shomrim tried to pull him from his car (allegedly, they claim that they didn’t touch him). He pulled a gun on them and instead of backing off, they attacked him not expecting him to pull the trigger. But he did. In what was apparently self defense.

    Like the judge said, there is a time and a place for Shomrim but they are not the judge, jury and executioner in every criminal act in New York.

  2. IF a Yid (lets assume one who is sufficiently deranged, since we are talking about acting “lewdly” in public) was cornered by four angry goyim, whom he had every reason to believe would treat his public misconduct in a reasonable and fair manner (and in this case, reasonable and fair, as seen by most Brooklynites probably would involve beating the daylights out of him, even though he is not accused of a crime of violence), if he had a gun wouldn’t he use it to defend himself, and wouldn’t we jump to his defense.

    While the Brooklyn police and Kings County prosecutors are hardly saintly or unbiased, they probably should be relied on to arrest criminals. When citizen watchgroups evolve into vigilantes, the usually casulty is civil order.

  3. Mr. Hynes lost the election.

    The attempted murder, assault and criminal use of a fire arm case was lost.

    A connection?

    You decide.

  4. with all due respect maybe the prosecutor did not have such a great case as everyone thought he had.
    as for the defendant , all he had to do was say that he feared for his life and he shot in self defense.
    look , he was surrounded by four people who were not police officers and he had every reason to fear for his life.
    this is what i thought about this from day one.

  5. The judge labeled it as “Gung Ho protection at the very high price of freedom”. Unfortunately, Brooklyn residents are already robots controlled by remote control. At the very least it’s time to change the batteries. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

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