IDF Chief Gantz: Equal Draft & Conditions for All

gantzIDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz attended a Wednesday morning 24 Kislev meeting of the Shaked Committee seeking to finalize the new chareidi draft law.

The military commander’s words did not come as a surprise as he called for equal draft and equal conditions of service for all citizens and inductees.

MK Ayelet Shaked opened the meeting explaining to Gantz the committee is finalizing the new law, adding “We are treading in an area where many good persons before us tried and failed”.

She feels that failure was due in part to the lack of budget but today the Finance Ministry and Defense Ministry are in sync and there will be sufficient funds to finance the chareidi draft. Shaked added she remains encouraged as 85% of chareidim that have served in the IDF succeeded in entering the workplace and she believes this will be the same in the future as many more chareidim serve. Shaked feels that drafting chareidim will serve to combat increasing poverty in the chareidi community as well.

Shaked addressed the IDF commander, stating she understands the IDF wants the chareidi inductees and the military stands ready to accept them.

Gantz explains that the military’s goals are equality regarding military service for all, with equal conditions, which will ultimately lead to reduced service demands for all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. equality for all? wonderful! So the IDF will now have the highest standard of kashrus, complete separation between genders and offer a Torahdik environment for all IDF soldiers. What a splendid idea MK Shaked!
    Oh wait, that’s not what she meant by “equality”…?

  2. If someone believes the only peaceful solution in the middle east is for the zionists to admit defeat and recognize that the hareidim were right to argue that we should not demand to rule over the Arabs – this is VERY GOOD NEWS. Thousands of hareidim will be thrown into jail, yeshivos will be closed, many more will go to the army and will have to choose between obeying orders and being good soldiers, and refusing to obey orders and leaving the army bitter and angry. “Equality” means, that hareidim will be expect to act like normal zionists – to eat the same food, follow mitsvos to the same extent as most Israelis, do aveiros to the same extent. Some will let themselves be bribed and seduced, but most will reject as Jews always have in such situations.

    This would be the first step on the road to a post-zionist Eretz Yisrael, with the haredim realizing that alliance with the zionists if futile, and seeking allies elsewhere. The zionists are loading a gun that they haven’t yet realized is pointed at their own head.

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