NY/NJ: Port Authority Toll Hike Sunday For EZ Pass Drivers

ezpas.jpgStarting this Sunday, the Port Authority will add 75 cents to the EZ Pass toll for all of its bridges and tunnels. That means off-peak tolls will go to $9, while peak tolls will rise to $11. The cash price will remain the same: $13. Tolls for trucks are also going up.

All rates apply to the Lincoln & Holland tunnels, the George Washington, Bayonne & Goethals bridges, and the Outerbridge Crossing.

Peak hours are weekdays from 6-10 a.m. and 4-8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Off-peak hours are all other times.

It is the third in a series of five Port Authority toll hikes that will end in 2015.

(Source: WABC)

2 Responses

  1. UNBELIEVABLE! They just keep on ripping us off
    Lhota the guy who ran for mayor under the republican ticket is responsible for this insanity.
    Could you imagine if he would win!
    Good riddance!

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