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Major Terror Attack Averted B’chasdei Hashem [UPDATED 21:16 IL]

mosad19:55 IL: According to the limited information released a short time ago, two terrorists were eliminated by members of the elite Yomam anti terrorist commando force in Hebron.

Terrorists were involved in a shootout with the Yomam force before being eliminated. It appears the force was acting on intelligence information.

The vehicle the terrorists were traveling in was laden with explosives. Officials are reporting a major attack has been averted B’chasdei Hashem. There are no reports of injuries to Israeli forces. Additional information will be provided as it is released.

UPDATE 20:01 IL: The shootout involved the Yomam force working with an elite ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) unit in the Yata area near Hebron. It is reported the terrorists were part of the Salafit extremist Islamic cell. It is confirmed that the elimination of the terrorists has indeed prevented a major terror attack.

UPDATE 21:16 IL: Officials are reporting the Yassam force which is still operating in the Yata area in the Southern Hebron Hills district has eliminated a third terrorist in tonight’s operation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Why does this article use the word “eliminated” in describing what happened to the terrorists described in this article? If they were killed, say so. If they were not killed, find some other words to describe what happened, e.g., “arrested” or “imprisoned” or whatever happened to them. Euphemisms don’t change the facts, and euphemisms in news reports can be misleading or confusing.

  2. So we baruch Hashem have 2 terrorists less to release from Israel’s absurd revolving-door-prison as a goodwill gesture.

    This is what they should do to every terroist instead of capturing them. But we won’t hold our breath since we know not to expect it from those warped minds who have mercy on criminals and cruel to the merciful.

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