MK Solomon Verbally Attacked by Chareidim

2MK (Yesh Atid) Shimon Solomon reports he is the victim of a racial attack perpetrated by chareidim after he left Knesset on Monday, 22 Kislev 5774. Solomon is a member’s of Israel’s Ethiopian community.

He uses his Facebook page to describe the attack to readers, explaining on his way home he stopped at a gas station to fill his vehicle. “A number of chareidim spotted and recognized me as a Yesh Atid MK and began verbally assaulting me for being aligned with the party and working against chareidim and then began making racial slurs.”

He stated he tried to speak to them politely and explain their view of Yesh Atid’s agenda is wrong and their view is a myopic one that does not permit them to see a bigger picture. “They made no attempt to hear my words but preferred to continue with their slurs.”

“I left the area after realizing it was pointless – like talking to the wall. I believed if I remained it would have turned physical. Of this I am sure.” He adds that one man in particular was extremely vulgar in his tone and choice of words, “shouting ‘Go back to Africa you black slave.’”

He continues, explaining he arrived home and began to contemplate the incident, and that he sees chareidim dressed in black and white, people he views as Torah observant and those who engage in Torah study and kiyum mitzvos, wondering what the source of the hate is. “What happened to בין אדם לחברו” he asks, adding “I am certain these individuals are not representative of the chareidi community.”

He concludes by emphasizing “we are one people and Yesh Atid is not aimed at hurting chareidim.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. 1. Given the company he keeps, attacking him is reasonable. He is a leader of a party devoted to the war on Torah.

    2. Racial slurs are rude. It suggest ignorance and inability to come up with more appropriate things to call him. Many Ethiopian Jews are quite frum, and in all fairness most of the people who favor destroying our community are our close cousins. Ethnicity is not a factor in the war against us.

  2. When the only narrative coming from Charedi sources is “Destruction of the Torah World, Suffocating Torah Learning, Starving our children”……this is the end result…

    MEANS JUSTIFY THE ENDS…. Behavior is adapted according to incitement speech.

    Add to the formula a black individual and Charedim will grab for any and all idioms possible.

  3. it would be best to stay away from such a person. debating him wouldn’t help either. maybe inviting him to visit a kollel or yeshiva for a coffee would be a good start.

  4. It is discouraging and distressing to see that some of our frequent posters justify thiese racist slurs. This atttitude against our brothers is a “shande”. These are the people who would call the Sefardi jews a racist slur and bring disgrace and machlokes in our midst. Thismust stop if we ever want the ultimate geulah!

  5. Fortunately, MK Solomon is more of a mentch and has more seichel than those so-called Chareidim who verbally attacked him.

    The same nuts always justify obhorent behavior when done by a Chareidi. To me, they are just an embarrassment to us and make a Chillul Hashem. Why they can’t understand that people can have different opinions without hateful motives? Takes too much brains? Time for you guys to grow up.

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