Magen Dovid Adom will likely concede to the demands of yeshivos that banned their talmidim from donating blood and restore their original medical questionnaire form.
The original form asks for the places of birth of the volunteer’s “mother” and “father” rather than “parent 1″ and parent 2” which were listed on the new forms in support of the LGBTQ community.
According to a Haaretz report, MDA will still allow anyone who is interested to cross out mother and father and write “parent 1” and “parent 2” in their place in their own handwriting.
“We want everyone to donate,” an MDA source said. “Just like we consider the needs of one population, we also consider the needs of other populations – we need everyone and it’s important for us to remove all the existing obstacles so that no one will be prevented from donating blood.”
What was left unsaid was that MDA could not afford to kowtow to the needs of the LGBTQ community over Dati Leumi and Chareidi communities, which have the highest rate of volunteerism in Israel.
In fact, even prior to the final decision on the matter, last week, an MDA vehicle went especially to Yeshivas Oz V’Emunah in Tel Aviv to have the talmidim donate blood, bringing the original forms labeled “For Bnei Yeshivos Only.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
3 Responses
Everone has a mother and father, even if they don’t know who they are. What about adoptees or orphans? How do they fill out the form?
Ughhhh I’m gonna throw up
Mommy 10, they probably want legal guardians, not biological parents. So foster parents would be filled out for adoptees or orphans.