Government Tenacious in Effort to Dismantle Torah Lifestyle

lapThe current administration appears determined to make it impossible for one to maintain a chareidi lifestyle in Eretz Yisrael.

The bills introduced and some already passed in Knesset include;

1. The new law liberalizing marriage registration,

2. A bill to scrutinize mohelim,

3. A bill to eliminate the post of one of the chief rabbis,

4. A policy demanding the introduction of ‘core subjects’ into the chareidi curriculum or forfeit state funding.

5. Changes in IDF policy to integrate women into additional units, making it extremely difficult for religious soldiers and officers,

6. Drastic cuts in funding for yeshivos and avreichim,

7. The new chareidi draft law which Yesh Atid hopes will result in failure to report for military service a violation of the penal code,

8. The law increasing the minimum marriage age from 17 to 18.

Regarding the last point, many posit that the bill is not directed against chareidim per se as many feel 17 is too young. However, if one analyzes the law of the land one may understand just how the marriage age law is indeed directed at chareidim.

In Israel, the minimum age that one can be viewed as a ‘consenting adult’ is 16, not 18. That means a female can consent to be with a partner from age 16 to 18 for as long as they do not try to get married before 18. This encourages promiscuity and prevents young adults from marrying.

With Chanukah days away one cannot help but to make a comparison between the Hellenists of Chanukah and the priorities of the current administration R”L.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Let’s not forget that like the Greeks, the Israeli government:
    doesn’t let Jews go onto all areas of Har Habayis

    But they do let Charedim:
    observe Shabbos
    learn Torah
    get married without the kallah entertaining a general
    have a bris milah

  2. With regard to the marriage age change, you confuse consent with capacity to enter a contract.

    Consent is what is said to avoid a charge of statutory r***. Capacity to enter a contract deals with the long range implications of a contracts, kesubah, and/or marriage.

  3. Any chance Neturei Karta found a way to secretly bring Lapid (and Bennett) to power so they could discredit the leaders of the frum establishment who have been actively collaborating with the zionists for three generations?

  4. I didnt know that learning math & english, getting married at 18,or serving in your countries army -basic responsibility is Hellenistic. This is such a pathtic article

  5. Not many of these have anything to do with the “chareidi lifestyle.”

    1. The new law liberalizing marriage registration does not affect chareidim.
    3. A bill to eliminate the post of one of the chief rabbis does not affect chareidim, as they don’t listen to him anyway. The only way this would affect chareidim is that one of the chief rabbis would be out of a job.
    4. A policy demanding the introduction of ‘core subjects’ into the chareidi curriculum or forfeit state funding – hard to find a job when you can’t add, subtract, or speak the language. Chareidim need to support themselves, and stop relying on the government to do it for them.
    6. Drastic cuts in funding for yeshivos and avreichim – the Israeli government is still a huge supporter of Torah learning, but it’s not fair to expect support for entire sections of society. Deal with it.
    7. The new chareidi draft law which Yesh Atid hopes will result in failure to report for military service a violation of the penal code – why should my daughters have to serve, and chareidi men not serve? The law says you need to serve, and there must be penalties if one refuses.

  6. It’s just amazing how this rusha could single handily attempt to destroy yidishkiet all while a majority of the other mk’s sit quietly on the sidelines watching. It’s time that all of klal Yisroel get together regardless of ones background of believe to spport a single party and show forces through the masses. Es lasos lashem lahfirie torusechu. The only power that we as observant jews have to over throw this vicious regime is ACHDUS we all everyone even those that have not participated till now as a one time decree come out in support a single party. Everything else is nonsense in comparison to what’s at stake.

  7. “1. The new law liberalizing marriage registration,”

    This actually would bring Israeli law closer to halachah. Anyone can be a mesader kiddushin.

    “2. A bill to scrutinize mohelim,”

    How is this directed towards charedim? The government regulates kashrut, why not mila?

    “3. A bill to eliminate the post of one of the chief rabbis,”

    How is this directed towards charedim? The truth is that the official Rabbinate overturns halachah and drives Jews away from Torah observance. Don’t just get rid of one chief rabbi, get rid of both!

    “4. A policy demanding the introduction of ‘core subjects’ into the chareidi curriculum or forfeit state funding.”

    You pay the piper you pick the tunes. Besides, charedi schools all over the world teach secular studies. And secular studies are needed for parnassah, which is after all a Torah mandate.

    “5. Changes in IDF policy to integrate women into additional units, making it extremely difficult for religious soldiers and officers,”

    This could be handled so that it is NOT difficult. Charedim all over the world work with women. (Whether the IDF will handle it appropriately is of course another question.)

    “6. Drastic cuts in funding for yeshivos and avreichim,”

    Finally something that matters. Israel cutting yeshivot is like Italy cutting opera. But the Dati yeshivot are getting cut just as badly. This isn’t directed towards charedim, this is directed towards the Jewish religion!

    “7. The new chareidi draft law which Yesh Atid hopes will result in failure to report for military service a violation of the penal code,”

    In every country in the world with a draft, draft dodgers face criminal penalties.

    “8. The law increasing the minimum marriage age from 17 to 18.”

    I guess the kids will have to wait. In most of the US the minimum marriage age is 18 unless the kids have consent from the parents, a court, or even both. Halachically, of course, a 13 year old boy can marry a 12 1/2 year old girl, but do we really want to encourage that?

  8. #1 This law will show the world how right the Satmar Rebbe zt”l and other Gedolim were all along about the Zionists and the Sirugim DL – the supporters and encouragers of these laws.

    #2 Like the Greeks, the Zionist party are out to prohibit Brit Milah, the stopping observance of Shabbat and Yom Tov.

    #3 Elimination of the post of 1 Chief Rabbi will soon be followed by the elimination of the 2nd Chief Rabbi. What do Zionist Goyim need Rabbis for?

    #4 Will Satmar, Toldot Aron be the only schools not effected by the Zionist atheists?

    #5 At least some good news, a big plus for charedim! This law will be’ezrat Hashem get all religious soldiers – not only charedim – out of this immoral corrupt army. The chilonim are b”H shooting themselves in the foot with this great law.

    #6 To maintain the holy spirit of our schools, it would be best not to take money from immoral sources.

    #7 Only in Israel is Torah study a criminal law.

    #8 In the Zionist Medina Shel Gehenom it’s NOT against the law to live with partners immorally, however, it IS against their Sedom Ve’amorah law to live bikedusha uvtahara.

    In short, only in Israel under the Zionists are Jews persecuted for their religious belief. Then they wonder why the world hates them.

    We outlived the Greeks and Roman, we will outlive the Zionists mamzerim (#1,#8 laws confirms this description).

  9. The constant “boy who cried wolf” renders these opinions laughable already. When real issues that can really harm us happen, no one will care or pay attention when your always crying wolf.

    These particular issues:

    1. The new law liberalizing marriage registration,

    I don’t agree with it. It will be harmful to ALL Jews down the road, but the singular way it’s approached that it’s “targeting” the Torah world is nonsense. Some Chilomin want it for themselves. They don’t understand the long-term implications, so it needs to be explained to them. Also, the heavy handed way a lot of the marriage issues are handled by the Chief Rabbinite system, led Chilonim to make these demands.

    2. A bill to scrutinize mohelim,

    Making sure people are actually qualified, protects children. There have been too many instances of problems with Mohelim either not qualified, too old, or having a transmittable disease to claim this issue is just an “attack” against the Torah world. This issue was never brought up until those types of problems started occuring. Not be address the problems is irresponsible.

    3. A bill to eliminate the post of one of the chief rabbis,

    Many Frum people want this, feeling that one Chief Rabbi will lead to Achdus. For better or worse, their intentions are for the best. Would it work? I doubt it, especially how nasty and vile politics is in Israel, especially in the Chareidi sectors.

    4. A policy demanding the introduction of ‘core subjects’ into the chareidi curriculum or forfeit state funding.

    Again, many Chareidim are tired of lives of poverty and want some basic knowledge and training. Without the basics at a younger age, the road to fiscal sanity is nealy impossible. You also need math and science to properly learn parts of the Talmud. Many people in the Hashgocho industry have those backgrounds or they couldn’t do their jobs within kashrus properly. Things get complicated. Core subjects is not the garbage taught in U.S. Public Schools. The bottom line, money from ANY government comes with strings attached. Don’t ewant to comply? Don’t take the money!!

    5. Changes in IDF policy to integrate women into additional units, making it extremely difficult for religious soldiers and officers,

    There are special units for Chareidim. Those issues don’t impact them.

    6. Drastic cuts in funding for yeshivos and avreichim,

    Again, you addresss issues before they are a crisis. They’re cutting the IDF too. The system is unsustainable. Many people also say that the Chilonim are just trying to destroy Torah. You don’t CUT from nothing. They’ve been funding Yeshivas and Chareidi lifestyles from the inception of the State. If they can cut the IDF, there has to be some understandinfg about the budget issues that are forcing it. We should show Hakoras Hatov for all the funding all these years, try to make adjustments and be reasonable and maybe the cuts wouldn’t be as harsh, but cuts are necessary. When you are inflexible and unreasonable, people don’t want to help you. That’s reality.

    7. The new chareidi draft law which Yesh Atid hopes will result in failure to report for military service a violation of the penal code,

    Yesh Atid is a different issue, but taking a position that NO Chareidi, learning or not, should go to the Army only forces a harsher position. There is no reason for someone NOT learning to avoid the Army. Nachal Chareidi doesn’t have the issues sited above. Rav Ovadia Yosef, ZT”L said that too.

    8. The law increasing the minimum marriage age from 17 to 18.

    WOW, how harmful that people should be a little more mature before entering a little thing like marriage. Why not 12, 15, 16?? Maybe even 10! Why is this a sign of wanting to destroy Torah? That’s ridiculous. Societies always set laws like this. Big deal!

  10. Regarding issue #1, liberalizing marriage registration will only hurt those Chareidi bureaucrats who think that their mission is to make it as difficult as possible for non-Chareidim to marry. From now on people will be able to register in a locale where the Rabbanut personnel believe that non-Chareidim are also Jews. Fighting this will only lead to more calls for civil marriage – or for the opening of a halachic marriage office on Cyprus as has previously been threatened – in order to fix an insufferable situation. The other nonsensical claims have be refuted very well by other posters.

  11. #5 Coby
    It’s not only math and English. It’s history of Zionist atheism, and other apikorsut as well as other shtuyot causing loads of bitul Torah.

    Regarding getting married at 18. The Zionists prefer for boys and girls to live together in filth and immorality “until” the right age they’ve decided, bringing zimah and hefkerut into the holy land. The only solution is to do like the chilonim and not get married legally.

    Serving in the military alongside Jewish goyim who cut your peyot off with women around and officially out to shmad you is as bad Jews having to serve in Czarist and other non-Jewish armies.


  12. “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”

    George Washington

    “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”
    George Orwell –

  13. #12,et al

    Any authentic orthodox individual is sick in the stomach in consternation from this marriage reform travesty .
    (It has been bandied about for years )

    Essentially,if/when some religious council(out of many dozen) was corrupt or badly lax,the situation was limited to that or those locales.

    Now The evil ones intend to allow the whole country to walk over & register with that locale.

    Would they allow this in any other sector of their notorious bureaucracy?

    “.. feels the reform simply tries to hide its true identity, “citizen services” which arouse his suspicions. He adds such a reform has not been seen in other ministries or agencies, including the Interior Ministry or Bituach Leumi,” which do not permit anyone from any city to enter any office to address one’s affairs, but one must report to a local office in the city of one’s residence. -”

    Plus having been involved ,trust me,the US is a messy web tangle .

    Registering with your local Rav is of however less significance or consequence in the US.

    The desire to import it is to destroy..

  14. #11,etc.

    Come BarryLS1,et al,
    Please heed the call
    Don’t stand in the doorway
    Don’t block up the hall
    For he who gets hurt
    Will be he who has stalled
    There’s a battle outside
    And it is ragin’.
    It’ll soon shake your windows
    And rattle your walls
    For the times they are a-changin’.

    Come mothers and fathers
    Throughout the land
    And don’t criticize
    What you can’t understand
    You old/new road is
    Rapidly agin’.
    Please get out of the new/old one
    If you can’t lend your hand
    For the times they are a-changin’.

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