Bloomberg: NYC Voters Wanted Change, Like Hemlines

bloomberg-deblasioNew York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says voters chose Bill de Blasio as his successor because they wanted a change.

Bloomberg said on his radio show Friday that de Blasio’s victory could be compared to hemlines that rise or fall as fashions change.

Bloomberg said hemlines “are fine, but next year they move ’em up or down because people want a change. ”

De Blasio ran a populist campaign and criticized many of Bloomberg’s policies as unfairly favoring the rich.

But the billionaire businessman-turned-mayor said de Blasio’s campaign was not “anti-Bloomberg or anti-establishment.” He said voters felt that it was “just time for a change.”

De Blasio takes over as mayor on Jan. 1. His spokeswoman did not immediately return an email seeking comment on the mayor’s remarks.


3 Responses

  1. As a former New Yorker, I am interested in the following:

    Will Mayor Bloomberg do Tshuvah (repent) and remove all restrictions to Metzitza BPeh of Bris Milah (circumcision)?

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