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Former DM Mofaz: We Don’t Have the Might to Take on Iran Alone

iafKadima MK Shaul Mofaz, a former defense minister and IDF chief of staff feels Israel does not have the ability to go it alone against Iran. Speaking at a Haifa event on Thursday 18 Kislev 5774, Mofaz expressed his opinion, which is a far cry from the doomsday predictions heard from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Mofaz feels Israel should not be opposing the P5 +1 effort to reach agreement with Iran in Geneva, but should have been working behind the scenes, quietly, to reach an understanding with the United States.

Mofaz adds “Israel must join the agreement woven between Western powers and Iran”, adding Israel cannot remove the Iranian threat alone, but will only delay it and then face “an outbreak of regional conflict on two fronts at least.”

He added “Western countries have the power to deal with Iranian forces including Revolutionary Guards.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is from a leading moderate zionist, a professional soldier, and someone with a good understand of Iran. Think about what he is saying:

    If Israel is too weak to defeat one Islamic country – do they have any hope if the Muslims ever present a united front. All it takes is one point in time when the Muslim world is united if only for a brief instant, and the zionists are wiped out (after which the Muslims can resume thier perpetual civil wars). This strongly suggests that the Zionist policy of trying to control Eretz Yisrael by force of arms is doomed in the long run. This is an opening for the Hareidim, if they choose to stop squabbling, look back to what they were doing when Dr. De Haan was murdered by the hilonim, and offer an alternative to the inevitable demise of the zionist state.

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